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Khalabuda OV

Author page

This page provides a summary of the entries in Polbase associated with this author.

The publication history graph presents the number of publications in Polbase by this author over time.

The polymerase chart indicates which polymerases this author has published on.

Polbase automatically discovers many polymerase papers as they are published. Some relevant papers are not included because the algorithm is designed to reduce background. Please contribute to polbase by adding your missing DNA polymerase papers.

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Missing references?


Title Authors Year Journal
[Dependence of 3'-5-exonuclease activity of a fragment of Klenow DNA polymerase I from Escherichia coli on the length and structure of the cleaved oligonucleotide]. Khalabuda OV 1990 Mol Biol (Mosk)
[Interaction of dNTP-binding sites of human DNA polymerase alpha and The Klenow fragment of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I with nucleotides, pyrophosphate and their analogs]. Khalabuda OV 1990 Mol Biol (Mosk)
[Modification of human DNA polymerase alpha by N-acetylimidazole]. Khalabuda OV 1989 Mol Biol (Mosk)
[Purification and characterization of DNA-dependent DNA-polymerase alpha from human placenta]. Khalabuda OV 1989 Mol Biol (Mosk)
[DNA-polymerase alpha from human placenta. Effectiveness of interaction between oligothymidylates of different lengths and the template-binding site]. Khalabuda OV 1986 Bioorg Khim

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