Margolis L
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Title | Authors | Year | Journal |
A Multi-targeted Drug Candidate with Dual Anti-HIV and Anti-HSV Activity. | Margolis L | 2013 | PLoS pathogens |
Exploiting the anti-HIV-1 activity of acyclovir: suppression of primary and drug-resistant HIV isolates and potentiation of the activity by ribavirin. | Margolis L | 2012 | Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy |
Topical tenofovir, a microbicide effective against HIV, inhibits herpes simplex virus-2 replication. | Margolis L | 2011 | Cell host & microbe |
Mechanisms associated with HIV-1 resistance to acyclovir by the V75I mutation in reverse transcriptase. | Margolis L | 2009 | The Journal of biological chemistry |
The application of phosphoramidate protide technology to acyclovir confers anti-HIV inhibition. | Margolis L | 2009 | Journal of medicinal chemistry |
Acyclovir is activated into a HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitor in herpesvirus-infected human tissues. | Margolis L | 2008 | Cell Host Microbe |