Silverstein TD
Author page
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Title | Authors | Year | Journal |
Structural basis for cisplatin DNA damage tolerance by human polymerase η during cancer chemotherapy. | Silverstein TD | 2012 | Nature structural & molecular biology |
Role of human DNA polymerase κ in extension opposite from a cis-syn thymine dimer. | Silverstein TD | 2011 | Journal of molecular biology |
Human DNA Polymerase η Is Pre-Aligned for dNTP Binding and Catalysis. | Silverstein TD | 2011 | Journal of molecular biology |
Structural basis for error-free replication of oxidatively damaged DNA by yeast DNA polymerase eta. | Silverstein TD | 2010 | Structure (London, England : 1993) |
Structural basis for the suppression of skin cancers by DNA polymerase eta. | Silverstein TD | 2010 | Nature |
Structure of human DNA polymerase kappa inserting dATP opposite an 8-OxoG DNA lesion. | Silverstein TD | 2009 | PloS one |