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Kumar A

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Title Authors Year Journal
dNTP binding site in rat DNA polymerase beta revealed by controlled proteolysis and azido photoprobe cross-linking. Kumar A 1996 Biochemistry
Role of the "helix clamp" in HIV-1 reverse transcriptase catalytic cycling as revealed by alanine-scanning mutagenesis. Kumar A 1996 The Journal of biological chemistry
Characterization of the tryptophan fluorescence and hydrodynamic properties of rat DNA polymerase beta. Kumar A 1994 Journal of molecular biology
Crystal structure of rat DNA polymerase beta: evidence for a common polymerase mechanism. Kumar A 1994 Science
Structure/function studies of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 reverse transcriptase. Alanine scanning mutagenesis of an alpha-helix in the thumb subdomain. Kumar A 1994 The Journal of biological chemistry
Structures of ternary complexes of rat DNA polymerase beta, a DNA template-primer, and ddCTP. Kumar A 1994 Science
HIV-1 reverse transcriptase: inhibition by 2',5'-oligoadenylates. Kumar A 1993 Biochemistry
Mapping of nucleic acid binding in proteolytic domains of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase. Kumar A 1993 Biochemistry
Expression of polypeptides of human immunodeficiency virus-1 reverse transcriptase in Escherichia coli. Kumar A 1993 Protein expression and purification
Expression and purification of the HIV-1 reverse transcriptase using the baculovirus expression vector system. Kumar A 1993 Protein expression and purification
Structure/function studies of HIV-1(1) reverse transcriptase: dimerization-defective mutant L289K. Kumar A 1993 Biochemistry
Identification of residues in the single-stranded DNA-binding site of the 8-kDa domain of rat DNA polymerase beta by UV cross-linking. Kumar A 1993 The Journal of biological chemistry
DNA polymerase beta and DNA synthesis in Xenopus oocytes and in a nuclear extract. Kumar A 1992 Science
Mammalian DNA polymerase beta: characterization of a 16-kDa transdomain fragment containing the nucleic acid-binding activities of the native enzyme. Kumar A 1992 Biochemistry
Protein-protein interactions of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase: implication of central and C-terminal regions in subunit binding. Kumar A 1991 Biochemistry
Localization of a polynucleotide binding region in the HIV-1 reverse transcriptase: implications for primer binding. Kumar A 1991 Biochemistry
A leucine zipper-like motif may mediate HIV reverse transcriptase subunit binding. Kumar A 1991 The New biologist
Identification and properties of the catalytic domain of mammalian DNA polymerase beta. Kumar A 1990 Biochemistry
Studies of the domain structure of mammalian DNA polymerase beta. Identification of a discrete template binding domain. Kumar A 1990 The Journal of biological chemistry

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