Brumme CJ
Author page
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Title | Authors | Year | Journal |
Evidence of differential HLA class I-mediated viral evolution in functional and accessory/regulatory genes of HIV-1. | Brumme CJ | 2007 | PLoS Pathog |
Effects of human leukocyte antigen class I genetic parameters on clinical outcomes and survival after initiation of highly active antiretroviral therapy. | Brumme CJ | 2007 | J Infect Dis |
Transmission of drug-resistant HIV-1 from an infected individual to a caregiver. | Brumme CJ | 2007 | Antivir Ther |
A simple screening approach to reduce B*5701-associated abacavir hypersensitivity on the basis of sequence variation in HIV reverse transcriptase. | Brumme CJ | 2007 | Clin Infect Dis |
Performance of a World Health Organization first-line regimen (stavudine/lamivudine/nevirapine) in antiretroviral-naive individuals in a Western setting. | Brumme CJ | 2007 | HIV Med |