Murphy DL
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Title | Authors | Year | Journal |
Catalytic Effects of Mutations of Distant Protein Residues in Human DNA Polymerase β: Theory and Experiment. | Murphy DL | 2012 | Biochemistry |
The Human POLB Gene is Mutated in a High Percentage of Colorectal Tumors. | Murphy DL | 2012 | The Journal of biological chemistry |
The E288K Colon Tumor Variant of DNA Polymerase Beta Is a Sequence Specific Mutator. | Murphy DL | 2012 | Biochemistry |
A Triad Interaction in the Fingers Subdomain of DNA Polymerase Beta Controls Polymerase Activity | Murphy DL | 2011 | Journal of the American Chemical Society |
Nucleosome Disruption by DNA Ligase III-XRCC1 Promotes Efficient Base Excision Repair. | Murphy DL | 2011 | Molecular and cellular biology |
A triad interaction in the fingers subdomain of DNA polymerase beta controls polymerase activity. | Murphy DL | 2011 | Journal of the American Chemical Society |
The Asp285 variant of DNA polymerase beta extends mispaired primer termini via increased nucleotide binding. | Murphy DL | 2008 | Biochemistry |