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Reference: Structure-function studies of the bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase. Isolation of a novel suppressor mutant., Polymerase: T4 V325AL340P
Polymerase | Reference | Property | Result | Context |
T4 V325AL340P | Structure-function studies of the bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase. Isolation of a novel suppressor mutant. | Nucleotide Substitution Rate | 844 Mutation frequency (relative to WT) | Technique: T4 rII P7oc reversion assay (AT->TA(CG), Host: supD (CR63)) |
T4 V325AL340P | Structure-function studies of the bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase. Isolation of a novel suppressor mutant. | Nucleotide Substitution Rate | 674 Mutation frequency (relative to WT) | Technique: T4 rII P7am reversion assay (GC->TA(CG), Host: supD (CR63)) |
T4 V325AL340P | Structure-function studies of the bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase. Isolation of a novel suppressor mutant. | Nucleotide Substitution Rate | 2305 Mutation frequency (relative to WT) | Technique: ac forward mutational assay (Host: supE (MBM7007.2)) |
T4 V325AL340P | Structure-function studies of the bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase. Isolation of a novel suppressor mutant. | Nucleotide Substitution Rate | 4160 Mutation frequency (relative to WT) | Technique: ac forward mutational assay (Host: supD (MBM7007.1)) |
T4 V325AL340P | Structure-function studies of the bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase. Isolation of a novel suppressor mutant. | Nucleotide Substitution Rate | 480 Mutation frequency (relative to WT) | Technique: T4 rII P7oc reversion assay ( AT->GC, Host: supE (C600)) |
T4 V325AL340P | Structure-function studies of the bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase. Isolation of a novel suppressor mutant. | Nucleotide Substitution Rate | 2500 Mutation frequency (relative to WT) | Technique: T4 rII P7oc reversion assay (AT->TA(CG), Host: supE (C600)) |
T4 V325AL340P | Structure-function studies of the bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase. Isolation of a novel suppressor mutant. | Nucleotide Substitution Rate | 500 Mutation frequency (relative to WT) | Technique: T4 rII P7am reversion assay (GC->TA(CG), Host: supE (C600)) |
T4 V325AL340P | Structure-function studies of the bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase. Isolation of a novel suppressor mutant. | Nucleotide Substitution Rate | 642 Mutation frequency (relative to WT) | Technique: T4 rII P7oc reversion assay ( AT->GC, Host: supD (CR63)) |
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