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Shock DD

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Title Authors Year Journal
A review of recent experiments on step-to-step "hand-off" of the DNA intermediates in mammalian base excision repair pathways. Shock DD Molekuliarnaia biologiia
Amino acid substitution in the active site of DNA polymerase β explains the energy barrier of the nucleotidyl transfer reaction. Shock DD 2013 Journal of the American Chemical Society
Observing a DNA polymerase choose right from wrong. Shock DD 2013 Cell
Insights into the Conformation of Aminofluorene-dG Adduct in a DNA Polymerase Active Site. Shock DD 2013 The Journal of biological chemistry
Effect of β,γ-CHF- and β,γ-CHCl-dGTP Halogen Atom Stereochemistry on the Transition State of DNA Polymerase β Shock DD 2012 Biochemistry
Metal-induced DNA translocation leads to DNA polymerase conformational activation. Shock DD 2011 Nucleic acids research
Binary complex crystal structure of DNA polymerase β reveals multiple conformations of the templating 8-oxoguanine lesion. Shock DD 2011 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Substrate channeling in mammalian base excision repair pathways: passing the baton. Shock DD 2010 The Journal of biological chemistry
Synthesis and biological evaluation of fluorinated deoxynucleotide analogs based on bis-(difluoromethylene)triphosphoric acid. Shock DD 2010 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Base excision repair and design of small molecule inhibitors of human DNA polymerase beta. Shock DD 2010 Cell Mol Life Sci
DNA polymerase beta substrate specificity: side chain modulation of the "A-rule". Shock DD 2009 The Journal of biological chemistry
Alpha,beta-difluoromethylene deoxynucleoside 5'-triphosphates: a convenient synthesis of useful probes for DNA polymerase beta structure and function. Shock DD 2009 Org Lett
Structures of DNA polymerase beta with active-site mismatches suggest a transient abasic site intermediate during misincorporation. Shock DD 2008 Molecular cell
Alpha,beta-methylene-2'-deoxynucleoside 5'-triphosphates as noncleavable substrates for DNA polymerases: isolation, characterization, and stability studies of novel 2'-deoxycyclonucleosides, 3,5'-cyclo-dG, and 2,5'-cyclo-dT. Shock DD 2008 J Med Chem
Coordination of steps in single-nucleotide base excision repair mediated by apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease 1 and DNA polymerase beta. Shock DD 2007 The Journal of biological chemistry
Magnesium-induced assembly of a complete DNA polymerase catalytic complex. Shock DD 2006 Structure (London, England : 1993)
Structure of DNA polymerase beta with a benzo[c]phenanthrene diol epoxide-adducted template exhibits mutagenic features. Shock DD 2006 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
DNA polymerase lambda mediates a back-up base excision repair activity in extracts of mouse embryonic fibroblasts. Shock DD 2005 The Journal of biological chemistry
DNA polymerase beta and flap endonuclease 1 enzymatic specificities sustain DNA synthesis for long patch base excision repair. Shock DD 2005 The Journal of biological chemistry
Nucleotide-induced DNA polymerase active site motions accommodating a mutagenic DNA intermediate. Shock DD 2005 Structure (London, England : 1993)
Influence of DNA structure on DNA polymerase beta active site function: extension of mutagenic DNA intermediates. Shock DD 2004 The Journal of biological chemistry
Rapid segmental and subdomain motions of DNA polymerase beta. Shock DD 2003 The Journal of biological chemistry
Localization of the deoxyribose phosphate lyase active site in human DNA polymerase iota by controlled proteolysis. Shock DD 2003 The Journal of biological chemistry
Loss of DNA polymerase beta stacking interactions with templating purines, but not pyrimidines, alters catalytic efficiency and fidelity. Shock DD 2002 The Journal of biological chemistry
Efficiency of correct nucleotide insertion governs DNA polymerase fidelity. Shock DD 2002 The Journal of biological chemistry

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