Bullard JM
Author page
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Title | Authors | Year | Journal |
Structure of PolC reveals unique DNA binding and fidelity determinants. | Bullard JM | 2008 | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America |
Discovery and characterization of the cryptic psi subunit of the pseudomonad DNA replicase. | Bullard JM | 2005 | The Journal of biological chemistry |
Reconstitution of a minimal DNA replicase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa and stimulation by non-cognate auxiliary factors. | Bullard JM | 2005 | The Journal of biological chemistry |
DNA polymerase III holoenzyme from Thermus thermophilus identification, expression, purification of components, and use to reconstitute a processive replicase. | Bullard JM | 2002 | The Journal of biological chemistry |
A three-domain structure for the delta subunit of the DNA polymerase III holoenzyme delta domain III binds delta' and assembles into the DnaX complex. | Bullard JM | 2002 | The Journal of biological chemistry |