Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology

(Lab Invest) ISSNs: 0023-6837,

References in Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology:

Title Authors Year
Mitochondrial dna depletion, oxidative stress, and mutation: mechanisms of dysfunction from nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. Lewis W, Copeland WC, Day BJ 2001
Decreased mtDNA, oxidative stress, cardiomyopathy, and death from transgenic cardiac targeted human mutant polymerase gamma. Lewis W, Day BJ, Kohler JJ, Hosseini SH, Chan SS, Green EC, Haase CP, Keebaugh ES, Long R, Ludaway T, Russ R, Steltzer J, Tioleco N, Santoianni R, Copeland WC 2007
Full and empty particles of hepatitis B virus in hepatocytes from patients with HBsAg-positive chronic active hepatitis. Sakamoto Y, Yamada G, Mizuno M, Nishihara T, Kinoyama S, Kobayashi T, Takahashi T, Nagashima H 1983

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