From Pyrococcus sp. GB-D (aliases:Deep Vent)
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PGBD Pol I is a family B enzyme from Pyrococcus sp. GB-D.

Selected Properties for PGBD Pol I:

3'-5' exo activity 5'-3' exo activity Frameshift Rate Substitution Rate General Error Rate
Yes (3) No (1) no data no data 2.7e-06 errors/bp (1)
Year Authors Title Results by property
2009 Md Monsur Ali, Shuhei Imoto, Yingqian Li, Shigeki Sasaki, Fumi Nagatsugi Incorporation of an inducible nucleot...
2009 Noriaki Minakawa, Shintaro Ogata, Mayumi Takahashi, Akira Matsuda Unnatural imidazopyridopyrimidine:nap...
2005 Jon P Anderson, Bernhard Angerer, Lawrence A Loeb Incorporation of reporter-labeled nuc... Cloned or native,Tagged,Full length or truncated,3-5' exo,5-3' exo,Application name,All properties
2002 Andrew F Gardner, William E Jack Acyclic and dideoxy terminator prefer...
2002 Tadayuki Imanaka, Haruyuki Atomi Catalyzing "hot" reactions: enzymes f... Vmax,All properties
2001 Holly H Hogrefe, J Cline, A E Lovejoy, K B Nielson DNA polymerases from hyperthermophiles. Strand Displacement,3-5' exo,5-3' exo,KM,3-5' Exo Specific Activity,Overall Error Rate,All properties
1996 Hao Huang, P Keohavong Fidelity and predominant mutations pr... 3-5' exo,All properties
1994 Wayne M Barnes PCR amplification of up to 35-kb DNA ...
1992 H W Jannasch, C O Wirsen, S J Molyneaux, T A Langworthy Comparative Physiological Studies on ...
Protein sequence:
Name 3'-5' exo activity 5'-3' exo activity Frameshift Rate Substitution Rate General Error Rate
Deep Vent (exo-) No (1)