Thermo JDF-3 pol

From Thermococcus species JDF-3 (aliases:Thermococcus sp JDF-3 polymerase)
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Thermo JDF-3 pol is a family B enzyme from Thermococcus species JDF-3.

78.5% identical to Pfu, 77.6% identical to Vent

not found in uniprot

Selected Properties for Thermo JDF-3 pol:

3'-5' exo activity 5'-3' exo activity Frameshift Rate Substitution Rate General Error Rate
Yes (1) No (1) no data no data no data
Year Authors Title Results by property
2008 Linda J Reha-Krantz Recent patents of gene sequences rela...
2002 Bahram Arezi, Connie J Hansen, Holly H Hogrefe Efficient and high fidelity incorpora... 3-5' exo,5-3' exo,Vmax,All properties
Name 3'-5' exo activity 5'-3' exo activity Frameshift Rate Substitution Rate General Error Rate
Thermo JDF-3 (D141AE143A)
Thermo JDF-3 (D141AE143A/P410L)
Thermo JDF-3 (E143A)
Thermo JDF-3 (P410LA485T)