Purification and characterization of baboon endogenous virus DNA polymerase.


An RNA-directed DNA polymerase was purified from baboon endogenous ...
An RNA-directed DNA polymerase was purified from baboon endogenous type-C virus by successive column chromatography on DEAE cellulose, phosphocellulose and hydroxyapatite. The purified DNA polymerase has a molecular weight of 68 000, a pH optimum of 8.0, a Mn2+ optimum of 1 mM, and a KCl optimum of 40 mM. The purified enzyme transcribes heteropolymeric regions of viral 60--70 S RNA isolated from different type-C viruses. The purified enzyme is immunologically related to a similarly purified polymerase from the cat endogenous type-C virus RD114.




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