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Results for property: Isoelectric Point

Detailed Results for Property

Use this page to examine all the the polymerases and references referring to the property: Isoelectric Point.

Conflicts: Polbase presents all the values that have been entered, including those that may conflict with each other. Consider the reported context, or refer to the reference for more details.

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It is also possible to filter the table by typing into the search box above the table. This will instantly hide lines from the table that do not contain your search text.

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Polymerase Kingdom Family Reference Result Context
T7 Virus/Phage A Deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase of bacteriophage T7. Purification and properties of the phage-encoded subunit, the gene 5 protein. pH 5.9
Dpo4 Archaeon Y Sulfolobus solfataricus P2 DNA polymerase IV (Dpo4): an archaeal DinB-like DNA polymerase with lesion-bypass properties akin to eukaryotic poleta. pH 9.11
Dme Pol delta Eukaryote B Drosophila DNA polymerase delta. Purification and characterization. pH 6.8
Bovine pol elta Eukaryote B Further studies on calf thymus DNA polymerase delta purified to homogeneity by a new procedure. pH 5.5

Using Polbase tables:


Tables may be sorted by clicking on any of the column titles. A second click reverses the sort order. <Ctrl> + click on the column titles to sort by more than one column (e.g. family then name).


It is also possible to filter the table by typing into the search box above the table. This will instantly hide lines from the table that do not contain your search text.