Exonuclease associated with bacteriophage T5-Induced DNA polymerase.


T-5-induced DNA polymerase has been shown to possess a 3' leads to ...




Kinetic Parameters, Exonuclease Activity, Source / Purification


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Polymerase Reference Property Result Context
T5 Exonuclease associated with bacteriophage T5-Induced DNA polymerase. 3-5' Exonuclease (proofreading) Yes
T5 Exonuclease associated with bacteriophage T5-Induced DNA polymerase. Cloned or native Cloned in E. coli
T5 Exonuclease associated with bacteriophage T5-Induced DNA polymerase. 5-3' Exonuclease No
T5 Exonuclease associated with bacteriophage T5-Induced DNA polymerase. Tagged No
T5 Exonuclease associated with bacteriophage T5-Induced DNA polymerase. Full length or truncated Full length
T5 Exonuclease associated with bacteriophage T5-Induced DNA polymerase. KM 21.9uM Reaction: 3-5' Exonuclease; Substrate: DNA template
T5 Exonuclease associated with bacteriophage T5-Induced DNA polymerase. Vmax 10 /minute Reaction: 3-5' Exonuclease; Substrate: DNA template

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