DNA polymerase beta is not essential for the formation of palindromic (P) region of T cell receptor gene.


Formation of palindromic (P) region at the variable (V)-diversity ...
Formation of palindromic (P) region at the variable (V)-diversity (D)-joining (J) junction in DNA polymerase beta (pol-beta) deficient mice were investigated by sequencing of reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) products of mRNAs encoding the beta chain of T cell receptor (TCR). Total 42 and 43 cDNA clones encoding V(beta8)-D(beta)-J(beta)-C(beta) from E18.5 embryonic thymocytes of pol-beta gene knocked-out and wild type control mouse, respectively, were sequenced. Among them five and six clones from pol-beta knocked-out and wild type, respectively, have P insertions of two nucleotides. This result unequivocally indicates that pol-beta, which is one of the repair-type DNA polymerases most abundantly expressed in thymus and spleen, is not essential for the formation of P region.




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