Cloning, chromosomal localization, and interspecies interaction of mouse DNA polymerase delta small subunit (PolD2).


DNA polymerase delta core is a heterodimeric enzyme with a catalytic ...
DNA polymerase delta core is a heterodimeric enzyme with a catalytic subunit of 125 kDa and a second subunit of 50 kDa with an as yet unknown function. It is an essential enzyme for DNA replication and DNA repair. We cloned the full-length cDNA encoding the DNA polymerase delta small subunit from mouse cells. The sequence of the predicted polypeptide of 51,336 Da is, like the catalytic subunit, highly conserved not only among mammals (93% identity and 96% similarity), but also between yeast and mammals (34% identity and 57% similarity). Fluorescence in situ hybridization experiments indicated that the gene for the small DNA polymerase delta of mouse is localized on chromosome 11, band A2. By using the yeast two-hybrid system we found that the mouse 125-kDa DNA polymerase catalytic subunit is able to interact with the 50-kDa subunit of the human enzyme, suggesting an in vivo interspecies interaction between the two subunits of DNA polymerase delta.




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