Locations of amino acid substitutions in bacteriophage T4 tsL56 DNA polymerase predict an N-terminal exonuclease domain.

Reha-Krantz LJ
J Virol (1989), Volume 63, Page 4762
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The amino acid substitutions responsible for the temperature-sensitive ...



Mutational Analysis, Structure and Structure/Function, Fidelity, Exonuclease Activity


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Polymerase Reference Property Result Context
T4 A89TD363N Locations of amino acid substitutions in bacteriophage T4 tsL56 DNA polymerase predict an N-terminal exonuclease domain. Nucleotide Substitution Rate 20 Mutation frequency (relative to WT) Technique: ac forward mutational assay
T4 D363N Locations of amino acid substitutions in bacteriophage T4 tsL56 DNA polymerase predict an N-terminal exonuclease domain. Nucleotide Substitution Rate 5 Mutation frequency (relative to WT) Technique: ac forward mutational assay
T4 A89T Locations of amino acid substitutions in bacteriophage T4 tsL56 DNA polymerase predict an N-terminal exonuclease domain. Nucleotide Substitution Rate 8 Mutation frequency (relative to WT) Technique: ac forward mutational assay

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