Effect of temperature on transition and transversion mutagenesis: characterization of wild type and a mutator T4 DNA polymerase mutant.


The effect of temperature on genetically well-defined mutational ...



Mutational Analysis, Fidelity, Nucleotide Incorporation, Exonuclease Activity


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T4 L340P Effect of temperature on transition and transversion mutagenesis: characterization of wild type and a mutator T4 DNA polymerase mutant. Nucleotide Substitution Rate 2000 Mutation frequency (relative to WT) Technique: T4 rII P7oc reversion assay (AT->GC pathway (P7oc -> P7am), 30°C)
T4 L340P Effect of temperature on transition and transversion mutagenesis: characterization of wild type and a mutator T4 DNA polymerase mutant. Nucleotide Substitution Rate 333 Mutation frequency (relative to WT) Technique: T4 rII P7oc reversion assay (AT->TA(CG) pathway (P7oc -> rII+), 30°C)
T4 L340P Effect of temperature on transition and transversion mutagenesis: characterization of wild type and a mutator T4 DNA polymerase mutant. Nucleotide Substitution Rate 750 Mutation frequency (relative to WT) Technique: T4 rII P7am reversion assay (GC->TA(CG) pathway (P7am -> rII+), 30°C)
T4 V325AL340P Effect of temperature on transition and transversion mutagenesis: characterization of wild type and a mutator T4 DNA polymerase mutant. Nucleotide Substitution Rate 34 Mutation frequency (relative to WT) Technique: T4 rII P7oc reversion assay (AT->GC pathway (P7oc -> P7am), 43°C)
T4 V325AL340P Effect of temperature on transition and transversion mutagenesis: characterization of wild type and a mutator T4 DNA polymerase mutant. Nucleotide Substitution Rate 36 Mutation frequency (relative to WT) Technique: T4 rII P7oc reversion assay (AT->TA(CG) pathway (P7oc -> rII+), 43°C)
T4 V325AL340P Effect of temperature on transition and transversion mutagenesis: characterization of wild type and a mutator T4 DNA polymerase mutant. Nucleotide Substitution Rate 20 Mutation frequency (relative to WT) Technique: T4 rII P7am reversion assay (GC->TA(CG) pathway (P7am -> rII+), 43°C)
T4 V325AL340P Effect of temperature on transition and transversion mutagenesis: characterization of wild type and a mutator T4 DNA polymerase mutant. Nucleotide Substitution Rate 480 Mutation frequency (relative to WT) Technique: T4 rII P7oc reversion assay (AT->GC pathway (P7oc -> P7am), 30°C)
T4 V325AL340P Effect of temperature on transition and transversion mutagenesis: characterization of wild type and a mutator T4 DNA polymerase mutant. Nucleotide Substitution Rate 2500 Mutation frequency (relative to WT) Technique: T4 rII P7oc reversion assay (AT->TA(CG) pathway (P7oc -> rII+), 30°C)
T4 V325AL340P Effect of temperature on transition and transversion mutagenesis: characterization of wild type and a mutator T4 DNA polymerase mutant. Nucleotide Substitution Rate 500 Mutation frequency (relative to WT) Technique: T4 rII P7am reversion assay (GC->TA(CG) pathway (P7am -> rII+), 30°C)
T4 V325AL340P Effect of temperature on transition and transversion mutagenesis: characterization of wild type and a mutator T4 DNA polymerase mutant. Nucleotide Substitution Rate 214 Mutation frequency (relative to WT) Technique: T4 rII P7oc reversion assay (AT->GC pathway (P7oc -> P7am), 37°C)
T4 V325AL340P Effect of temperature on transition and transversion mutagenesis: characterization of wild type and a mutator T4 DNA polymerase mutant. Nucleotide Substitution Rate 333 Mutation frequency (relative to WT) Technique: T4 rII P7oc reversion assay (AT->TA(CG) pathway (P7oc -> rII+), 37°C)
T4 V325AL340P Effect of temperature on transition and transversion mutagenesis: characterization of wild type and a mutator T4 DNA polymerase mutant. Nucleotide Substitution Rate 36 Mutation frequency (relative to WT) Technique: T4 rII P7am reversion assay (GC->TA(CG) pathway (P7am -> rII+), 37°C)

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