Monoclonal antibodies to alpha DNA polymerase as a marker of cell proliferative activity.


A hybridoma cell line (5F) secreting monoclonal antibodies directed to ...
A hybridoma cell line (5F) secreting monoclonal antibodies directed to alpha DNA polymerase has been developed. Kinetic studies on peripheral blood lymphocytes stimulated with mitogen and human colon cancer cell lines established in vitro were made by the two autoradiographic techniques of Thymidine Labelling Index and Primer-dependent alpha DNA polymerase Labelling Index and the immunoperoxidase assay (PAP) with monoclonal antibody to alpha DNA polymerase. We demonstrated the exclusively intranuclear presence of alpha DNA polymerase in lymphocytes induced to proliferate and actively growing colon cancer cells in contrast with the cytoplasmic distribution of the enzyme in resting stage populations. The feasibility of using monoclonal antibodies to alpha DNA polymerase to determine cell growth fraction was evaluated.




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