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Kuramochi K

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Title Authors Year Journal
Inhibitory effect of novel 5-O-acyl juglones on mammalian DNA polymerase activity, cancer cell growth and inflammatory response. Kuramochi K 2011 Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry
Inhibitory effects of vitamin K3 derivatives on DNA polymerase and inflammatory activity. Kuramochi K 2011 International journal of molecular medicine
Effects of Intermediates between Vitamins K(2) and K(3) on Mammalian DNA Polymerase Inhibition and Anti-Inflammatory Activity. Kuramochi K 2011 International journal of molecular sciences
Purified canola lutein selectively inhibits specific isoforms of mammalian DNA polymerases and reduces inflammatory response. Kuramochi K 2010 Lipids
Synthesis and structure-activity relationships of dehydroaltenusin derivatives as selective DNA polymerase alpha inhibitors. Kuramochi K 2009 Bioorg Med Chem
Effect of dehydroaltenusin-C12 derivative, a selective DNA polymerase alpha inhibitor, on DNA replication in cultured cells. Kuramochi K 2008 Molecules
Hymenoic acid, a novel specific inhibitor of human DNA polymerase lambda from a fungus of Hymenochaetaceae sp. Kuramochi K 2008 Bioorg Med Chem
The specific inhibitory effect of demethoxydehydroaltenusin, a derivative of dehydroaltenusin, on mammalian DNA polymerase alpha. Kuramochi K 2008 Int J Mol Med
Novel azaphilones, kasanosins A and B, which are specific inhibitors of eukaryotic DNA polymerases beta and lambda from Talaromyces sp. Kuramochi K 2008 Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry
1-deoxyrubralactone, a novel specific inhibitor of families X and Y of eukaryotic DNA polymerases from a fungal strain derived from sea algae. Kuramochi K 2008 Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry
Chemical properties of fatty acid derivatives as inhibitors of DNA polymerases. Kuramochi K 2007 Organic & biomolecular chemistry
Structural relationship of curcumin derivatives binding to the BRCT domain of human DNA polymerase lambda. Kuramochi K 2006 Genes Cells
Inhibitory effect of sulfoquinovosyl diacylglycerol on prokaryotic DNA polymerase I activity and cell growth of Escherichia coli. Kuramochi K 2006 J Oleo Sci
5-(Hydroxymethyl)-2-furfural: a selective inhibitor of DNA polymerase lambda and terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase. Kuramochi K 2006 Arch Biochem Biophys
Monoacetylcurcumin: a new inhibitor of eukaryotic DNA polymerase lambda and a new ligand for inhibitor-affinity chromatography. Kuramochi K 2005 Biochem Biophys Res Commun
Affinity capture of a mammalian DNA polymerase beta by inhibitors immobilized to resins used in solid-phase organic synthesis. Kuramochi K 2005 Bioconjug Chem
Structural analysis of epolactaene derivatives as DNA polymerase inhibitors and anti-inflammatory compounds. Kuramochi K 2005 Int J Mol Med
Taxol derivatives are selective inhibitors of DNA polymerase alpha. Kuramochi K 2004 Bioorg Med Chem
Structure-activity relationships of epolactaene analogs as DNA polymerases inhibitors. Kuramochi K 2004 Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry
Molecular design of cholesterols as inhibitors of DNA polymerase alpha. Kuramochi K 2004 J Med Chem
Epolactaene, a novel neuritogenic compound in human neuroblastoma cells, selectively inhibits the activities of mammalian DNA polymerases and human DNA topoisomerase II. Kuramochi K 2000 Biochemical and biophysical research communications

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