Gel kinetic analysis of DNA polymerase fidelity in the presence of proofreading using bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase.


A gel fidelity assay, previously used in the analysis of DNA ...




Kinetic Parameters, Fidelity, Exonuclease Activity

One line summary:

High concentrations of a dNTP would suppress mispairs of that type


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Polymerase Reference Property Result Context
T4 Gel kinetic analysis of DNA polymerase fidelity in the presence of proofreading using bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase. Nucleotide Substitution Rate 1E-06 errors/bp Technique: Gel kinetic assay (dCMP-A mismatch)
T4 Gel kinetic analysis of DNA polymerase fidelity in the presence of proofreading using bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase. Nucleotide Substitution Rate 1E-05 errors/bp Technique: Gel kinetic assay (dGMP-A mismatch)
T4 Gel kinetic analysis of DNA polymerase fidelity in the presence of proofreading using bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase. Nucleotide Substitution Rate 1E-08 errors/bp Technique: Gel kinetic assay (dAMP-A mismatch)
T4 Gel kinetic analysis of DNA polymerase fidelity in the presence of proofreading using bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase. Nucleotide Substitution Rate 0.0002 errors/bp Technique: Gel kinetic assay (dTMP-T mismatch)

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