Initiation of phage phi 29 DNA replication by mutants with deletions at the carboxyl end of the terminal protein.

Zaballos A, Salas M, Mellado RP
Gene (1986), Volume 43, Page 103
PubMed entry


Series of deletions at the C end of p3, the phage phi 29 DNA terminal ...
Series of deletions at the C end of p3, the phage phi 29 DNA terminal protein (TP), have been constructed and characterized. Measurements of the activity of those deletion mutants in the formation of the p3-dAMP initiation complex in vitro indicate the need of an intact C-end for the normal TP primer function in DNA replication. It appears that the region at the C-end between aa 240 and 262 of p3, or part of it, might be essential for the normal TP function.




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