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Grosse F

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Title Authors Year Journal
Species specificity of simian virus 40 DNA replication in vitro requires multiple functions of human DNA polymerase alpha. Grosse F 2002 The Journal of biological chemistry
Amino acids 257 to 288 of mouse p48 control the cooperation of polyomavirus large T antigen, replication protein A, and DNA polymerase alpha-primase to synthesize DNA in vitro. Grosse F 2001 J Virol
Surface plasmon resonance measurements reveal stable complex formation between p53 and DNA polymerase alpha. Grosse F 1999 Oncogene
Primase activity of human DNA polymerase alpha-primase. Divalent cations stabilize the enzyme activity of the p48 subunit. Grosse F 1998 The Journal of biological chemistry
An error-correcting proofreading exonuclease-polymerase that copurifies with DNA-polymerase-alpha-primase. Grosse F 1993 The Journal of biological chemistry
A complex between replication factor A (SSB) and DNA helicase stimulates DNA synthesis of DNA polymerase alpha on double-stranded DNA. Grosse F 1992 FEBS letters
Casein kinase II phosphorylates DNA-polymerase-alpha--DNA-primase without affecting its basic enzymic properties. Grosse F 1990 Eur J Biochem
DNA polymerase alpha-DNA primase from human placenta. Immunoaffinity purification and preliminary characterization. Grosse F 1989 FEBS letters
A distinct form of ribonuclease H from calf thymus stimulates its homologous DNA-polymerase-alpha-primase complex. Grosse F 1989 Eur J Biochem
Immunoaffinity-purified DNA polymerase alpha displays novel properties. Grosse F 1987 Biochemistry
Lactate dehydrogenase and glyceraldehyde-phosphate dehydrogenase are single-stranded DNA-binding proteins that affect the DNA-polymerase-alpha-primase complex. Grosse F 1986 Eur J Biochem
Effect of 4-quinolones and novobiocin on calf thymus DNA polymerase alpha primase complex, topoisomerases I and II, and growth of mammalian lymphoblasts. Grosse F 1986 Antimicrob Agents Chemother
On the fidelity of DNA polymerase alpha: the influence of alpha-thio dNTPs, Mn2+ and mismatch repair. Grosse F 1985 Nucleic acids research
The primase activity of DNA polymerase alpha from calf thymus. Grosse F 1985 The Journal of biological chemistry
Analysis of secondary structures in M13mp8 (+) single-stranded DNA by the pausing of DNA polymerase alpha. Grosse F 1985 Eur J Biochem
Replication of M13mp7 single-stranded DNA in vitro by the 9-S DNA polymerase alpha from calf thymus. Grosse F 1984 Eur J Biochem
Replication of phi X174 DNA by calf thymus DNA polymerase-alpha: measurement of error rates at the amber-16 codon. Grosse F 1984 Adv Exp Med Biol
Properties of the primase activity of the 9 S DNA polymerase alpha from calf thymus. Grosse F 1984 Adv Exp Med Biol
Accuracy of DNA polymerase-alpha in copying natural DNA. Grosse F 1983 The EMBO journal
The elongation of mismatched primers by DNA polymerase alpha from calf thymus. Grosse F 1983 Nucleic acids research
Subspecies of DNA polymerase alpha from calf thymus with different fidelity in copying synthetic template-primers. Grosse F 1983 Nucleic acids research
Purification of a 9S DNA polymerase alpha species from calf thymus. Grosse F 1981 Biochemistry
Purification and partial characterization of a DNA polymerase alpha species from calf thymus. Grosse F 1980 Nucleic acids research

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