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Ohashi E

Author page

This page provides a summary of the entries in Polbase associated with this author.

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The polymerase chart indicates which polymerases this author has published on.

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Title Authors Year Journal
Stable interaction between the human proliferating cell nuclear antigen loader complex Ctf18-replication factor C (RFC) and DNA polymerase {epsilon} is mediated by the cohesion-specific subunits, Ctf18, Dcc1, and Ctf8. Ohashi E 2010 The Journal of biological chemistry
Human replicative DNA polymerase δ can bypass T-T (6-4) ultraviolet photoproducts on template strands. Ohashi E 2010 Genes to cells : devoted to molecular & cellular mechanisms
Penicilliols A and B, novel inhibitors specific to mammalian Y-family DNA polymerases. Ohashi E 2009 Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry
Structural basis for novel interactions between human translesion synthesis polymerases and proliferating cell nuclear antigen. Ohashi E 2009 The Journal of biological chemistry
Interaction with DNA polymerase eta is required for nuclear accumulation of REV1 and suppression of spontaneous mutations in human cells. Ohashi E 2009 DNA repair
Identification of a novel REV1-interacting motif necessary for DNA polymerase kappa function. Ohashi E 2009 Genes Cells
Error-prone and inefficient replication across 8-hydroxyguanine (8-oxoguanine) in human and mouse ras gene fragments by DNA polymerase kappa. Ohashi E 2005 Genes Cells
Sequence context-dependent replication of DNA templates containing UV-induced lesions by human DNA polymerase iota. Ohashi E 2003 DNA repair
Translesion synthesis by human DNA polymerase kappa on a DNA template containing a single stereoisomer of dG-(+)- or dG-(-)-anti-N(2)-BPDE (7,8-dihydroxy-anti-9,10-epoxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydrobenzo[a]pyrene). Ohashi E 2002 Biochemistry
Translesion replication of benzo[a]pyrene and benzo[c]phenanthrene diol epoxide adducts of deoxyadenosine and deoxyguanosine by human DNA polymerase iota. Ohashi E 2002 Nucleic acids research
Translesional synthesis past acetylaminofluorene-derived DNA adducts catalyzed by human DNA polymerase kappa and Escherichia coli DNA polymerase IV. Ohashi E 2001 Biochemistry
Fidelity and processivity of DNA synthesis by DNA polymerase kappa, the product of the human DINB1 gene. Ohashi E 2000 The Journal of biological chemistry
Error-prone bypass of certain DNA lesions by the human DNA polymerase kappa. Ohashi E 2000 Genes Dev

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