Human Pol gamma E873X

From H. sapiens
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Mutant of: Human Pol gamma (E873X)

NIEHS Pol Gamma Mutation Database: E873X

Human Pol gamma E873X is a family A enzyme from H. sapiens.

Selected Properties for Human Pol gamma E873X:

3'-5' exo activity 5'-3' exo activity Frameshift Rate Substitution Rate General Error Rate
no data no data no data no data no data
Year Authors Title Results by property
2008 Neil Ashley, Anthony O'Rourke, Conrad Smith, Susan Adams, Vasantha Gowda, Massimo Zeviani, Garry K Brown, Carl Fratter, Joanna Poulton Depletion of mitochondrial DNA in fib...
2005 Sherine S L Chan, Matthew J Longley, Robert K Naviaux, William C Copeland Mono-allelic POLG expression resultin...
2004 Robert K Naviaux, Khue V Nguyen POLG mutations associated with Alpers...
2004 Robert K Naviaux, Khue V Nguyen POLG mutations associated with Alpers...