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Results for property: Other Important Residues

Detailed Results for Property

Use this page to examine all the the polymerases and references referring to the property: Other Important Residues.

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Polymerase Kingdom Family Reference Result Context
Klenow fragment Eubacterium A Structural elucidation of the binding and inhibitory properties of lanthanide (III) ions at the 3'-5' exonucleolytic active site of the Klenow fragment. Eu3+ at exo site
Klenow fragment Eubacterium A Structure of DNA polymerase I Klenow fragment bound to duplex DNA. L361, Q419, R455, F473, Y497, H660, T609, E611, R631, K635, N675, N678
Klenow fragment Eubacterium A Structure of large fragment of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I complexed with dTMP. dNMP-Zn interacts with D355, E357, T358, L361, D424, F473, Y497, D501
Klenow fragment Eubacterium A Genetic and crystallographic studies of the 3',5'-exonucleolytic site of DNA polymerase I. 2 Mn ions show metal A and B positions
Klenow fragment Eubacterium A Structural basis for the 3'-5' exonuclease activity of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I: a two metal ion mechanism. T358, L361, Q419, R455, F473, Y497, H660
Klenow fragment Eubacterium A Cocrystal structure of an editing complex of Klenow fragment with DNA. L361, Q419, R455, F473, Y497, H660
Human Pol beta Eukaryote X DNA polymerase family X: function, structure, and cellular roles. Tyr271, Phe272, Asp276, and Asn279 = dNTP binding pocket; Tyr271 = important for both chemistry and dNTP binding, alters steady-state catalytic efficiency
9egN D141A/D143A Archaeon B Crystal structure of a pol alpha family DNA polymerase from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus sp. 9 degrees N-7. Cysteine Bridges: Cys428:442, Cys506:509
KF D424A Eubacterium A Genetic and crystallographic studies of the 3',5'-exonucleolytic site of DNA polymerase I. Metal B not bound
KF D355AE357A Eubacterium A Genetic and crystallographic studies of the 3',5'-exonucleolytic site of DNA polymerase I. No binding of metals A and B and dNMP
HIV2 RT Virus/Phage RT Structure of HIV-2 reverse transcriptase at 2.35-A resolution and the mechanism of resistance to non-nucleoside inhibitors. Ile-181 and Leu-188 contribute most to NNRTI resistance
Tth pol X Eubacterium X The structural basis of the kinetic mechanism of a gap-filling X-family DNA polymerase that binds Mg(2+)-dNTP before binding to DNA. Lys263

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