Function and assembly of the bacteriophage T4 DNA replication complex: interactions of the T4 polymerase with various model DNA constructs.


Complexes formed between DNA polymerase and genomic DNA at the ...



Kinetic Parameters, Accessory Proteins/Complexes, Nucleotide Incorporation

One line summary:

Short DNA molecules bind a single T4 DNA polymerase in a nonspecific binding mode with moderate affinity; in contrast, T4 DNA polymerase binds in a site-specific mode and significantly more tightly to DNA constructs carrying a primer-template junction. Changes described in this paper in the kinetics and thermodynamics of the individual steps of the polymerase-catalyzed single nucleotide addition cycle by auxiliary replication proteins constitute a basic mechanism for protein coupling within the replication cycle.


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Polymerase Reference Property Result Context
T4 D219A Function and assembly of the bacteriophage T4 DNA replication complex: interactions of the T4 polymerase with various model DNA constructs. Kd 24nM Reaction: Polymerase-DNA interaction; Substrate: DNA template; Experimental conditions: pH (pH 7.5), Temp (20°C)
T4 D219A Function and assembly of the bacteriophage T4 DNA replication complex: interactions of the T4 polymerase with various model DNA constructs. Kd 240nM Reaction: Polymerase-DNA interaction; Substrate: DNA template; Experimental conditions: pH (pH 7.5), Temp (20°C)
T4 D219A Function and assembly of the bacteriophage T4 DNA replication complex: interactions of the T4 polymerase with various model DNA constructs. Kd 370nM Reaction: Polymerase-DNA interaction; Substrate: DNA template; Experimental conditions: pH (pH 7.5), Temp (20°C)
T4 D219A Function and assembly of the bacteriophage T4 DNA replication complex: interactions of the T4 polymerase with various model DNA constructs. Kd 470nM Reaction: Polymerase-DNA interaction; Substrate: DNA template; Experimental conditions: pH (pH 7.5), Temp (20°C)
T4 D219A Function and assembly of the bacteriophage T4 DNA replication complex: interactions of the T4 polymerase with various model DNA constructs. Kd 95nM Reaction: Polymerase-DNA interaction; Substrate: DNA template; Experimental conditions: pH (pH 7.5), Temp (20°C)
T4 D219A Function and assembly of the bacteriophage T4 DNA replication complex: interactions of the T4 polymerase with various model DNA constructs. Kd 8nM Reaction: Polymerase-DNA interaction; Substrate: DNA template; Experimental conditions: pH (pH 7.5), Temp (20°C)
T4 D219A Function and assembly of the bacteriophage T4 DNA replication complex: interactions of the T4 polymerase with various model DNA constructs. Kd 4nM Reaction: Polymerase-DNA interaction; Substrate: DNA template; Experimental conditions: pH (pH 7.5), Temp (20°C)

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