Molecular mechanisms of the functional coupling of the helicase (gp41) and polymerase (gp43) of bacteriophage T4 within the DNA replication fork.

Delagoutte E, von Hippel PH
Biochemistry (2001), Volume 40, Page 4459
PubMed entry


Processive strand-displacement DNA synthesis with the T4 replication ...



Kinetic Parameters, Accessory Proteins/Complexes, Nucleotide Incorporation

One line summary:

Functional coupling of T4 helicase (gp41) and T4 DNA polymerase


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Polymerase Reference Property Result Context
T4 D219A Molecular mechanisms of the functional coupling of the helicase (gp41) and polymerase (gp43) of bacteriophage T4 within the DNA replication fork. Vmax 230 /second Reaction: Nucleotide incorporation; Substrate: dNTPs
T4 D219A Molecular mechanisms of the functional coupling of the helicase (gp41) and polymerase (gp43) of bacteriophage T4 within the DNA replication fork. Vmax 0 /second Reaction: Nucleotide incorporation; Substrate: dNTPs
T4 D219A Molecular mechanisms of the functional coupling of the helicase (gp41) and polymerase (gp43) of bacteriophage T4 within the DNA replication fork. Vmax 125 /second Reaction: Nucleotide incorporation; Substrate: dNTPs
T4 D219A Molecular mechanisms of the functional coupling of the helicase (gp41) and polymerase (gp43) of bacteriophage T4 within the DNA replication fork. Vmax 55 /second Reaction: Nucleotide incorporation; Substrate: dNTPs

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