Interaction of the family-B DNA polymerase from the archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus with deaminated bases.


The interaction of archaeal family B DNA polymerases with deaminated ...



Kinetic Parameters, Nucleotide Analogs / Template Lesions


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Polymerase Reference Property Result Context
Pfu Interaction of the family-B DNA polymerase from the archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus with deaminated bases. Template lesions Stalls Reaction: Nucleotide incorporation; Substrate: n/a; DNA lesion: dUTP (uracil)
Pfu Interaction of the family-B DNA polymerase from the archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus with deaminated bases. Template lesions Stalls Reaction: Nucleotide incorporation; Substrate: n/a; DNA lesion: dITP (inosine)
Pfu V93Q Interaction of the family-B DNA polymerase from the archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus with deaminated bases. Template lesions Bypasses Reaction: Nucleotide incorporation; Substrate: n/a; DNA lesion: dITP (inosine)
Pfu V93Q Interaction of the family-B DNA polymerase from the archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus with deaminated bases. Template lesions Bypasses Reaction: Nucleotide incorporation; Substrate: n/a; DNA lesion: dUTP (uracil)

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