On the fidelity of DNA replication. The accuracy of T4 DNA polymerases in copying phi X174 DNA in vitro.



Fidelity, Accessory Proteins/Complexes, Nucleotide Incorporation

One line summary:

the action of replication fidelity may be dependent partially on interaction with accessory proteins and complexes


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Polymerase Reference Property Result Context
T4 On the fidelity of DNA replication. The accuracy of T4 DNA polymerases in copying phi X174 DNA in vitro. Nucleotide Substitution Rate 1E-06 errors/bp Technique: Reversion (1 mM dNTP)
T4 On the fidelity of DNA replication. The accuracy of T4 DNA polymerases in copying phi X174 DNA in vitro. Processivity 1840bp
Eco Pol I On the fidelity of DNA replication. The accuracy of T4 DNA polymerases in copying phi X174 DNA in vitro. Nucleotide Substitution Rate 9.01E-06 errors/bp Technique: Reversion (1 mM dNTP)
Eco Pol I On the fidelity of DNA replication. The accuracy of T4 DNA polymerases in copying phi X174 DNA in vitro. Processivity 3040bp

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