T4 Q731am

From bacteriophage T4 (aliases:T4 amB22)
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Mutant of: T4 (Q731AMB)

T4 Q731am is a family B enzyme from bacteriophage T4.

Selected Properties for T4 Q731am:

3'-5' exo activity 5'-3' exo activity Frameshift Rate Substitution Rate General Error Rate
no data no data no data 1.0e-01-2.2e+00 Mutation frequency (relative to WT) (6) no data
Year Authors Title Results by property
2010 Linda J Reha-Krantz DNA polymerase proofreading: Multiple...
1998 Nancy G Nossal A new look at old mutants of T4 DNA p...
1990 Linda J Reha-Krantz Genetic evidence for two protein doma...
1985 Linda J Reha-Krantz, J K Lambert Structure-function studies of the bac... Nucleotide Substitution Rate,All properties
1983 P Gauss, D H Doherty, L Gold Bacterial and phage mutations that re...
1982 M Venkatesan, Nancy G Nossal Bacteriophage T4 gene 44/62 and gene ...
1973 Jim D Karam, P V O'Donnell Suppression of amber mutations of bac...
1972 W M Huang, I. Robert Lehman On the direction of translation of th... Molecular Weight,All properties
1972 M S Hershfield, Nancy G Nossal Hydrolysis of template and newly synt...
1972 P V O'Donnell, Jim D Karam On the direction of reading of bacter...
1972 M N Swartz, Hiroaki Nakamura, I. Robert Lehman Activation of a defective DNA polymer...
1971 Nancy G Nossal, M S Hershfield Nuclease activity in a fragment of ba... KM,Vmax,All properties
1963 Physiological Studies of Conditional ...