DNA polymerase proofreading: Multiple roles maintain genome stability.
Biochimica et biophysica acta (2010), Volume 1804, Page 1049
T7,Eco Pol III,Klenow fragment,T4,Eco Pol I,T4 A89TD363N,T4 G694S,T4 A737V,T4 D112AE114A,Human Pol alpha,T4 Q731am,RB69,T4 I50L,T4 G298D,T4 G304D,T4 L309P,T4 Y317C,T4 R335C,T4 L412I,T4 I417V,T4 Q730S,T4 A777V,T4 L412M,Human Pol delta,T4 G255S,T4 P424L
Mutational Analysis, Modulators/Inhibitors, Kinetic Parameters, Nucleotide Analogs / Template Lesions, Structure and Structure/Function, Fidelity, Nucleotide Incorporation, Exonuclease Activity, Enzyme Substrate Interactions, Alignments
One line summary:
A historical perspective on DNA polymerase proofreading with emphasis on recent elucidations of the proofreading pathway and the role of the enzyme in maintaining genome stability.
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