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Results for property: Terminal Transferase

Detailed Results for Property

Use this page to examine all the the polymerases and references referring to the property: Terminal Transferase.

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Polymerase Kingdom Family Reference Result Context
Terminal Transferase Unknown ? Molecular biology of terminal transferase. Yes
Terminal Transferase Unknown ? 3'-end labeling of DNA with [alpha-32P]cordycepin-5'-triphosphate. Yes
Terminal Transferase Unknown ? Terminal labeling and addition of homopolymer tracts to duplex DNA fragments by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase. Yes
Human Pol mu Eukaryote X DNA polymerase mu (Pol mu), homologous to TdT, could act as a DNA mutator in eukaryotic cells. Yes
Terminal Transferase Unknown ? Characterization of the homopolymer tailing reaction catalyzed by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase. Implications for the cloning of cDNA. Yes
Terminal Transferase Unknown ? Distinct and opposite diversifying activities of terminal transferase splice variants. Yes
Bsu Pol X Eubacterium X Characterization of a Bacillus subtilis 64-kDa DNA polymerase X potentially involved in DNA repair. No
HIV RT Virus/Phage RT Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 reverse transcriptase: spatial and temporal relationship between the polymerase and RNase H activities. Unspecified
Human Pol lamba Eukaryote X DNA polymerase family X: function, structure, and cellular roles. Yes
Human Pol mu Eukaryote X DNA polymerase family X: function, structure, and cellular roles. Yes
Mtu PolDom Eubacterium ? Structure and function of a mycobacterial NHEJ DNA repair polymerase. Yes
Human Pol lamba Eukaryote X Structure and function of a mycobacterial NHEJ DNA repair polymerase. No
Human Pol lamba Eukaryote X The frameshift infidelity of human DNA polymerase lambda. Implications for function. No
Human Pol mu Eukaryote X Structure and function of a mycobacterial NHEJ DNA repair polymerase. Yes
SsoDpo1 Archaeon B Strand annealing and terminal transferase activities of a B-family DNA polymerase. Yes

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Tables may be sorted by clicking on any of the column titles. A second click reverses the sort order. <Ctrl> + click on the column titles to sort by more than one column (e.g. family then name).


It is also possible to filter the table by typing into the search box above the table. This will instantly hide lines from the table that do not contain your search text.