Structural insight into processive human mitochondrial DNA synthesis and disease-related polymerase mutations.

Lee YS, Kennedy WD, Yin YW
Cell (2009), Volume 139, Page 312
PubMed entry Publisher's site


Human mitochondrial DNA polymerase (Pol gamma) is the sole replicase ...



Structure and Structure/Function, Source / Purification


new topics/pols set partial results complete validated


Polymerase Reference Property Result Context
Human Pol gamma Structural insight into processive human mitochondrial DNA synthesis and disease-related polymerase mutations. Polymerase Catalytic Residue Amino Acids D890,D1135
Human Pol gamma Structural insight into processive human mitochondrial DNA synthesis and disease-related polymerase mutations. Cloned or native Cloned in E. coli
Human Pol gamma Structural insight into processive human mitochondrial DNA synthesis and disease-related polymerase mutations. Tagged Yes
Human Pol gamma Structural insight into processive human mitochondrial DNA synthesis and disease-related polymerase mutations. Tag Name His
Human Pol gamma Structural insight into processive human mitochondrial DNA synthesis and disease-related polymerase mutations. Full length or truncated Truncated

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