Using 2-aminopurine fluorescence to measure incorporation of incorrect nucleotides by wild type and mutant bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerases.


The ability of wild type and mutant T4 DNA polymerases to discriminate ...



Mutational Analysis, Biotech Applications, Kinetic Parameters, Nucleotide Analogs / Template Lesions, Fidelity, Nucleotide Incorporation, Methods


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Polymerase Reference Property Result Context
T4 L412M Using 2-aminopurine fluorescence to measure incorporation of incorrect nucleotides by wild type and mutant bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerases. Nucleotide Substitution Rate 7.7 Mutation frequency (relative to WT) Technique: rII+ reversion (2AP (1 mg/ml))
T4 I417V Using 2-aminopurine fluorescence to measure incorporation of incorrect nucleotides by wild type and mutant bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerases. Nucleotide Substitution Rate 0.1 Mutation frequency (relative to WT) Technique: rII+ reversion (2AP (1 mg/ml))
T4 D112AE114A Using 2-aminopurine fluorescence to measure incorporation of incorrect nucleotides by wild type and mutant bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerases. Kd 31uM Reaction: Nucleotide incorporation; Substrate: dTTP; Technique: Rapid quench (opposite template A)

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