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Results for property: 3-5' Exo Specific Activity

Detailed Results for Property

Use this page to examine all the the polymerases and references referring to the property: 3-5' Exo Specific Activity.

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Polymerase Kingdom Family Reference Result Context
T7 Virus/Phage A Deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase of bacteriophage T7. Purification and properties of the phage-encoded subunit, the gene 5 protein. 0.13 umol/min/mg
T7 Virus/Phage A Characterization of bacteriophage T7 DNA polymerase purified to homogeneity by antithioredoxin immunoadsorbent chromatography. 2.4E+04 units/mg
T7 Virus/Phage A T7-induced DNA polymerase. Requirement for thioredoxin sulfhydryl groups. 9.1 umol/min/mg
T7 Virus/Phage A T7-induced DNA polymerase. Characterization of associated exonuclease activities and resolution into biologically active subunits. 2580 units/mg
9egN Archaeon B DNA polymerases from hyperthermophiles. 26 units/mg
Vent Archaeon B DNA polymerases from hyperthermophiles. 1644 units/mg
Klenow fragment Eubacterium A DNA polymerases from hyperthermophiles. 28 units/mg
Pfu Archaeon B High-fidelity amplification using a thermostable DNA polymerase isolated from Pyrococcus furiosus. 9200 units/mg
Pfu Archaeon B DNA polymerases from hyperthermophiles. 935 units/mg
PGBD Pol I Archaeon B DNA polymerases from hyperthermophiles. 1642 units/mg
Human Pol delta Eukaryote B Biochemical and functional comparison of DNA polymerases alpha, delta, and epsilon from calf thymus. 451 units/mg
Human Pol epsilon Eukaryote B Biochemical and functional comparison of DNA polymerases alpha, delta, and epsilon from calf thymus. 426 units/mg
phi29 D332Y ? ? An aspartic acid residue in TPR-1, a specific region of protein-priming DNA polymerases, is required for the functional interaction with primer terminal protein. 20 % of WT activity
Poc Pol I Archaeon B The hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrodictium occultum has two alpha-like DNA polymerases. 22 % of WT activity
Poc Pol II Archaeon B The hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrodictium occultum has two alpha-like DNA polymerases. 1 % of WT activity

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Tables may be sorted by clicking on any of the column titles. A second click reverses the sort order. <Ctrl> + click on the column titles to sort by more than one column (e.g. family then name).


It is also possible to filter the table by typing into the search box above the table. This will instantly hide lines from the table that do not contain your search text.