Crystal structures of HIV-1 reverse transcriptases mutated at codons 100, 106 and 108 and mechanisms of resistance to non-nucleoside inhibitors.


Leu100Ile, Val106Ala and Val108Ile are mutations in HIV-1 reverse ...



Health/Disease, Structure and Structure/Function, Reverse Transcriptase


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Polymerase Reference Property Result Context
HIV RT L100I Crystal structures of HIV-1 reverse transcriptases mutated at codons 100, 106 and 108 and mechanisms of resistance to non-nucleoside inhibitors. Reverse Transcriptase Activity Yes
HIV RT L100I Crystal structures of HIV-1 reverse transcriptases mutated at codons 100, 106 and 108 and mechanisms of resistance to non-nucleoside inhibitors. Associated condition HIV
HIV RT V108I Crystal structures of HIV-1 reverse transcriptases mutated at codons 100, 106 and 108 and mechanisms of resistance to non-nucleoside inhibitors. Associated condition HIV

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