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Hanaoka F

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Title Authors Year Journal
Changes in DNA polymerases alpha, beta and gamma in mouse liver as a function of age. Hanaoka F Mechanisms of ageing and development
A cyclobutane thymine-N4-methylcytosine dimer is resistant to hydrolysis but strongly blocks DNA synthesis. Hanaoka F 2013 Nucleic acids research
Mechanism of somatic hypermutation at the WA motif by human DNA polymerase η Hanaoka F 2013 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Analysis of mice deficient in both REV1 catalytic activity and POLH reveals an unexpected role for POLH in the generation of C to G and G to C transversions during Ig gene hypermutation. Hanaoka F 2012 International immunology
Stalled Polη at its cognate substrate initiates an alternative translesion synthesis pathway via interaction with REV1. Hanaoka F 2012 Genes to cells : devoted to molecular & cellular mechanisms
Structural basis of human DNA polymerase η-mediated chemoresistance to cisplatin. Hanaoka F 2012 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Photosensitized [2 + 2] cycloaddition of N-acetylated cytosine affords stereoselective formation of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer. Hanaoka F 2011 Nucleic acids research
Structure and mechanism of human DNA polymerase η Hanaoka F 2011 Nature
Polymerization by DNA polymerase eta is blocked by cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) 1,3-d(GpTpG) cross-link: implications for cytotoxic effects in nucleotide excision repair-negative tumor cells. Hanaoka F 2010 Carcinogenesis
Structure and mechanism of human DNA polymerase eta. Hanaoka F 2010 Nature
Simultaneous disruption of two DNA polymerases, Polη and Polζ, in Avian DT40 cells unmasks the role of Polη in cellular response to various DNA lesions. Hanaoka F 2010 PLoS genetics
Characterization of a Y-Family DNA Polymerase eta from the Eukaryotic Thermophile Alvinella pompejana. Hanaoka F 2010 Journal of nucleic acids
The molecular chaperone Hsp90 regulates accumulation of DNA polymerase eta at replication stalling sites in UV-irradiated cells. Hanaoka F 2010 Molecular cell
Penicilliols A and B, novel inhibitors specific to mammalian Y-family DNA polymerases. Hanaoka F 2009 Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry
Aberrant DNA polymerase alpha is excluded from the nucleus by defective import and degradation in the nucleus. Hanaoka F 2009 The Journal of biological chemistry
A novel interaction between human DNA polymerase eta and MutLalpha. Hanaoka F 2009 Biochem Biophys Res Commun
Interaction with DNA polymerase eta is required for nuclear accumulation of REV1 and suppression of spontaneous mutations in human cells. Hanaoka F 2009 DNA repair
Translesional DNA synthesis through a C8-guanyl adduct of 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP) in Vitro: REV1 inserts dC opposite the lesion, and DNA polymerase kappa potentially catalyzes extension reaction from the 3'-dC terminus. Hanaoka F 2009 The Journal of biological chemistry
Use of RNAi in C. elegans. Hanaoka F 2008 Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)
Reevaluation of the role of DNA polymerase theta in somatic hypermutation of immunoglobulin genes. Hanaoka F 2008 DNA repair
Genetic analysis reveals an intrinsic property of the germinal center B cells to generate A:T mutations. Hanaoka F 2008 DNA repair
Translesion synthesis across the (6-4) photoproduct and its Dewar valence isomer by the Y-family and engineered DNA polymerases. Hanaoka F 2008 Nucleic acids symposium series (2004)
Specificity of mutations induced by incorporation of oxidized dNTPs into DNA by human DNA polymerase eta. Hanaoka F 2008 DNA repair
DNA polymerase eta is a limiting factor for A:T mutations in Ig genes and contributes to antibody affinity maturation. Hanaoka F 2008 Eur J Immunol
DNA polymerases eta and theta function in the same genetic pathway to generate mutations at A/T during somatic hypermutation of Ig genes. Hanaoka F 2007 The Journal of biological chemistry
A second proliferating cell nuclear antigen loader complex, Ctf18-replication factor C, stimulates DNA polymerase eta activity. Hanaoka F 2007 The Journal of biological chemistry
Rad54 dissociates homologous recombination intermediates by branch migration. Hanaoka F 2007 Nature structural & molecular biology
2-Hydroxy-2'-deoxyadenosine 5'-triphosphate enhances A.T --> C.G mutations caused by 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine 5'-triphosphate by suppressing its degradation upon replication in a HeLa extract. Hanaoka F 2007 Biochemistry
Efficient and erroneous incorporation of oxidized DNA precursors by human DNA polymerase eta. Hanaoka F 2007 Biochemistry
UV-B radiation induces epithelial tumors in mice lacking DNA polymerase eta and mesenchymal tumors in mice deficient for DNA polymerase iota. Hanaoka F 2006 Molecular and cellular biology
Normal hypermutation in antibody genes from congenic mice defective for DNA polymerase iota. Hanaoka F 2006 DNA repair
A novel role of DNA polymerase eta in modulating cellular sensitivity to chemotherapeutic agents. Hanaoka F 2006 Molecular cancer research : MCR
Conserved XPB core structure and motifs for DNA unwinding: implications for pathway selection of transcription or excision repair. Hanaoka F 2006 Molecular cell
A human DNA polymerase eta complex containing Rad18, Rad6 and Rev1; proteomic analysis and targeting of the complex to the chromatin-bound fraction of cells undergoing replication fork arrest. Hanaoka F 2006 Genes Cells
Deficiency of the Caenorhabditis elegans DNA polymerase eta homologue increases sensitivity to UV radiation during germ-line development. Hanaoka F 2006 Cell Struct Funct
Overproduction of DNA polymerase eta does not raise the spontaneous mutation rate in diploid human fibroblasts. Hanaoka F 2005 DNA repair
Different mutation signatures in DNA polymerase eta- and MSH6-deficient mice suggest separate roles in antibody diversification. Hanaoka F 2005 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Alterations of DNA and chromatin structures at telomeres and genetic instability in mouse cells defective in DNA polymerase alpha. Hanaoka F 2005 Molecular and cellular biology
Dual roles for DNA polymerase eta in homologous DNA recombination and translesion DNA synthesis. Hanaoka F 2005 Molecular cell
MSH2-MSH6 stimulates DNA polymerase eta, suggesting a role for A:T mutations in antibody genes. Hanaoka F 2005 J Exp Med
Error-prone translesion synthesis by human DNA polymerase eta on DNA-containing deoxyadenosine adducts of 7,8-dihydroxy-9,10-epoxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydrobenzo[a]pyrene. Hanaoka F 2005 The Journal of biological chemistry
Palm mutants in DNA polymerases alpha and eta alter DNA replication fidelity and translesion activity. Hanaoka F 2004 Molecular and cellular biology
Preferential cis-syn thymine dimer bypass by DNA polymerase eta occurs with biased fidelity. Hanaoka F 2004 Nature
Translesion synthesis by human DNA polymerase eta across oxidative products of guanine. Hanaoka F 2004 Nucleic Acids Symp Ser (Oxf)
Mechanism of cell cycle arrest by sulfoquinovosyl monoacylglycerol with a C18-saturated fatty acid (C18-SQMG). Hanaoka F 2004 Biochemical pharmacology
Translesion synthesis past equine estrogen-derived 2'-deoxycytidine DNA adducts by human DNA polymerases eta and kappa. Hanaoka F 2004 Biochemistry
Translesion synthesis past estrogen-derived DNA adducts by human DNA polymerases eta and kappa. Hanaoka F 2004 Biochemistry
Chemical synthesis and translesion replication of a cis-syn cyclobutane thymine-uracil dimer. Hanaoka F 2004 Nucleic acids research
DNA binding properties of human DNA polymerase eta: implications for fidelity and polymerase switching of translesion synthesis. Hanaoka F 2004 Genes Cells
Sequence context-dependent replication of DNA templates containing UV-induced lesions by human DNA polymerase iota. Hanaoka F 2003 DNA repair
Erroneous incorporation of oxidized DNA precursors by Y-family DNA polymerases. Hanaoka F 2003 EMBO reports
Identification and characterization of an intermediate in the alkali degradation of (6-4) photoproduct-containing DNA. Hanaoka F 2003 The Journal of biological chemistry
129-derived strains of mice are deficient in DNA polymerase iota and have normal immunoglobulin hypermutation. Hanaoka F 2003 J Exp Med
8-Hydroxyguanine in a mutational hotspot of the c-Ha-ras gene causes misreplication, 'action-at-a-distance' mutagenesis and inhibition of replication. Hanaoka F 2003 Nucleic acids research
Crystal structure of the Pyrococcus horikoshii DNA primase-UTP complex: implications for the mechanism of primer synthesis. Hanaoka F 2003 Genes to cells : devoted to molecular & cellular mechanisms
Mammalian translesion DNA synthesis across an acrolein-derived deoxyguanosine adduct. Participation of DNA polymerase eta in error-prone synthesis in human cells. Hanaoka F 2003 The Journal of biological chemistry
[Recent advance in DNA polymerase research: discovery of the new molecular species]. Hanaoka F 2002 Seikagaku. The Journal of Japanese Biochemical Society
Correlation of somatic hypermutation specificity and A-T base pair substitution errors by DNA polymerase eta during copying of a mouse immunoglobulin kappa light chain transgene. Hanaoka F 2002 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Translesion synthesis by human DNA polymerase eta across thymine glycol lesions. Hanaoka F 2002 Biochemistry
[DNA polymerase eta: from a DNA repair-deficient genetic disease to the discovery of a novel DNA polymerase]. Hanaoka F 2002 Seikagaku
The second largest subunit of mouse DNA polymerase epsilon, DPE2, interacts with SAP18 and recruits the Sin3 co-repressor protein to DNA. Hanaoka F 2002 J Biochem
Preferential misincorporation of purine nucleotides by human DNA polymerase eta opposite benzo[a]pyrene 7,8-diol 9,10-epoxide deoxyguanosine adducts. Hanaoka F 2002 The Journal of biological chemistry
Molecular analysis of mutations in DNA polymerase eta in xeroderma pigmentosum-variant patients. Hanaoka F 2002 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
A role for DNA polymerase beta in mutagenic UV lesion bypass. Hanaoka F 2002 The Journal of biological chemistry
Sulfolobus solfataricus P2 DNA polymerase IV (Dpo4): an archaeal DinB-like DNA polymerase with lesion-bypass properties akin to eukaryotic poleta. Hanaoka F 2001 Nucleic acids research
Mutagenic and nonmutagenic bypass of DNA lesions by Drosophila DNA polymerases dpoleta and dpoliota. Hanaoka F 2001 The Journal of biological chemistry
E2F regulates growth-dependent transcription of genes encoding both catalytic and regulatory subunits of mouse primase. Hanaoka F 2001 Genes to cells : devoted to molecular & cellular mechanisms
Eukaryotic DNA polymerases: proposal for a revised nomenclature. Hanaoka F 2001 The Journal of biological chemistry
DNA polymerase iota and related rad30-like enzymes. Hanaoka F 2001 Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences
Oxygen free radical damage to DNA. Translesion synthesis by human DNA polymerase eta and resistance to exonuclease action at cyclopurine deoxynucleoside residues. Hanaoka F 2001 The Journal of biological chemistry
Error rate and specificity of human and murine DNA polymerase eta. Hanaoka F 2001 Journal of molecular biology
Domain structure, localization, and function of DNA polymerase eta, defective in xeroderma pigmentosum variant cells. Hanaoka F 2001 Genes Dev
Proofreading of DNA polymerase eta-dependent replication errors. Hanaoka F 2001 The Journal of biological chemistry
Transcription of the catalytic 180-kDa subunit gene of mouse DNA polymerase alpha is controlled by E2F, an Ets-related transcription factor, and Sp1. Hanaoka F 2000 Biochimica et biophysica acta
Efficient translesion replication past oxaliplatin and cisplatin GpG adducts by human DNA polymerase eta. Hanaoka F 2000 Biochemistry
Complementation of defective translesion synthesis and UV light sensitivity in xeroderma pigmentosum variant cells by human and mouse DNA polymerase eta. Hanaoka F 2000 Nucleic acids research
Low fidelity DNA synthesis by human DNA polymerase-eta. Hanaoka F 2000 Nature
Xeroderma pigmentosum variant: from a human genetic disorder to a novel DNA polymerase. Hanaoka F 2000 Cold Spring Harbor symposia on quantitative biology
Mechanisms of accurate translesion synthesis by human DNA polymerase eta. Hanaoka F 2000 The EMBO journal
Dehydroaltenusin, a mammalian DNA polymerase alpha inhibitor. Hanaoka F 2000 The Journal of biological chemistry
Genomic structure, chromosomal localization and identification of mutations in the xeroderma pigmentosum variant (XPV) gene. Hanaoka F 2000 Oncogene
Error-prone bypass of certain DNA lesions by the human DNA polymerase kappa. Hanaoka F 2000 Genes Dev
Misinsertion and bypass of thymine-thymine dimers by human DNA polymerase iota. Hanaoka F 2000 The EMBO journal
Cloning and characterization of the 5'-upstream sequence governing the cell cycle-dependent transcription of mouse DNA polymerase alpha 68 kDa subunit gene. Hanaoka F 2000 Nucleic acids research
Xeroderma pigmentosum variant (XP-V) correcting protein from HeLa cells has a thymine dimer bypass DNA polymerase activity. Hanaoka F 1999 The EMBO journal
The XPV (xeroderma pigmentosum variant) gene encodes human DNA polymerase eta. Hanaoka F 1999 Nature
Molecular architecture of the mouse DNA polymerase alpha-primase complex. Hanaoka F 1999 Molecular and cellular biology
The second-largest subunit of the mouse DNA polymerase alpha-primase complex facilitates both production and nuclear translocation of the catalytic subunit of DNA polymerase alpha. Hanaoka F 1998 Molecular and cellular biology
Incubation at the nonpermissive temperature induces deficiencies in UV resistance and mutagenesis in mouse mutant cells expressing a temperature-sensitive ubiquitin-activating enzyme (E1). Hanaoka F 1997 Molecular and cellular biology
Molecular cloning of the cDNA for the catalytic subunit of plant DNA polymerase alpha and its cell-cycle dependent expression. Hanaoka F 1997 Genes Cells
On the presence of DNA polymerase alpha in human lymphocyte nuclei and chromosomes. Hanaoka F 1996 Heredity
Identification of the nuclear localization signal of mouse DNA primase: nuclear transport of p46 subunit is facilitated by interaction with p54 subunit. Hanaoka F 1996 Journal of cell science
Efficient replication of polyomavirus DNA in a cell-free system supplemented with Escherichia coli single-stranded DNA binding protein, which exhibits species-specificity in the requirement for DNA polymerase alpha-primase. Hanaoka F 1995 Journal of biochemistry
8-Hydroxyadenine (7,8-dihydro-8-oxoadenine) induces misincorporation in in vitro DNA synthesis and mutations in NIH 3T3 cells. Hanaoka F 1995 Nucleic acids research
Stimulation of DNA polymerase gamma activity by proliferating cell nuclear antigen. Hanaoka F 1995 Biochem Biophys Res Commun
Temperature-sensitive mutation of DNA polymerase alpha induces growth-suppressive phenotypes involving retinoblastoma protein and cyclin D1. Hanaoka F 1995 Cell Struct Funct
Comparison of incorporation and extension of nucleotides in vitro opposite 8-hydroxyguanine (7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine) in hot spots of the c-Ha-ras gene. Hanaoka F 1995 Japanese journal of cancer research : Gann
Murine temperature-sensitive DNA polymerase alpha mutant displays a diminished capacity to stimulate DNA synthesis in senescent human fibroblast nuclei in heterokaryons at the nonpermissive condition. Hanaoka F 1994 Journal of cellular physiology
Identification of a point mutation in the cDNA of the catalytic subunit of DNA polymerase alpha from a temperature-sensitive mouse FM3A cell line. Hanaoka F 1994 The Journal of biological chemistry
Cyclobutane thymine dimers in a ras proto-oncogene hot spot activate the gene by point mutation. Hanaoka F 1993 Nucleic acids research
Molecular cloning of the cDNAs for the four subunits of mouse DNA polymerase alpha-primase complex and their gene expression during cell proliferation and the cell cycle. Hanaoka F 1993 The Journal of biological chemistry
The c-myb proto-oncogene product binds to but does not activate the promoter of the DNA polymerase alpha gene. Hanaoka F 1992 Oncogene
Lobenzarit disodium (CCA) inhibits the proliferation of human endothelial cells and the activity of DNA polymerase alpha. Hanaoka F 1992 Agents Actions
Structure and expression during development of Drosophila melanogaster gene for DNA polymerase alpha. Hanaoka F 1991 Nucleic acids research
Immunoaffinity-purified DNA polymerase alpha from a mouse temperature-sensitive mutant, tsFT20 strain, is heat-labile. Hanaoka F 1991 The Journal of biological chemistry
Replication of the simian virus 40 chromosome with purified proteins. Hanaoka F 1991 The Journal of biological chemistry
Mouse DNA primase plays the principal role in determination of permissiveness for polyomavirus DNA replication. Hanaoka F 1991 Journal of virology
DNA primase stimulatory factor from mouse FM3A cells has an RNase H activity. Purification of the factor and analysis of the stimulation. Hanaoka F 1990 The Journal of biological chemistry
Purification and characterization of mouse DNA polymerase alpha devoid of primase activity. Hanaoka F 1990 FEBS letters
Inhibition of avian myeloblastosis virus reverse transcriptase by aurochloric acid. Hanaoka F 1990 Japanese journal of cancer research : Gann
Isolation of temperature-sensitive cell cycle mutants from mouse FM3A cells. Characterization of mutants with special reference to DNA replication. Hanaoka F 1990 The Journal of biological chemistry
Peptide mapping of the four subunits of the mouse DNA polymerase alpha-primase complex. Hanaoka F 1990 Biochemical and biophysical research communications
Inhibitory effects of gold sodium thiomalate on DNA polymerase alpha. Hanaoka F 1989 Clin Exp Rheumatol
[Genetic and biochemical studies on the mechanism of mammalian chromosome replication]. Hanaoka F 1989 Yakugaku zasshi : Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
DNA primase-DNA polymerase alpha assembly from mouse FM3A cells. Purification of constituting enzymes, reconstitution, and analysis of RNA priming as coupled to DNA synthesis. Hanaoka F 1989 The Journal of biological chemistry
Induction of mutation in mouse FM3A cells by N4-aminocytidine-mediated replicational errors. Hanaoka F 1988 Molecular and cellular biology
[The enzymes and genes participating in DNA replication of animal cells. DNA polymerase alpha and its gene]. Hanaoka F 1988 Tanpakushitsu kakusan koso. Protein, nucleic acid, enzyme
Characterization of DNA polymerase alpha activity from a mouse DNA temperature-sensitive mutant, strain tsFT20, which shows a defect in DNA polymerase alpha activity at restrictive temperatures. Hanaoka F 1988 Arch Biochem Biophys
Characterization of revertants derived from a mouse DNA temperature-sensitive mutant strain, tsFT20, which contains heat-labile DNA polymerase alpha activity. Hanaoka F 1987 Exp Cell Res
Characterization of chromosome aberrations induced by incubation at a restrictive temperature in the mouse temperature-sensitive mutant tsFT20 strain containing heat-labile DNA polymerase alpha. Hanaoka F 1987 Cancer research
Characterization of DNA replication at a restrictive temperature in a mouse DNA temperature-sensitive mutant, tsFT20 strain, containing heat-labile DNA polymerase alpha activity. Hanaoka F 1986 The Journal of biological chemistry
Identification of a DNA segment containing the human DNA polymerase alpha gene. Hanaoka F 1986 Biochemical and biophysical research communications
Further characterization of a murine temperature-sensitive mutant, tsFT20 strain, containing heat-labile DNA polymerase alpha-activity. Hanaoka F 1986 Exp Cell Res
Detection and characterization of a novel factor that stimulates DNA polymerase alpha. Hanaoka F 1986 Biochemistry
Assignment of the human gene for DNA polymerase alpha to the X chromosome. Hanaoka F 1985 Japanese journal of cancer research : Gann
Characterization of a temperature-sensitive mutant of mouse FM3A cells defective in DNA replication. Hanaoka F 1985 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Dissociation and reconstitution of a DNA polymerase alpha-primase complex. Hanaoka F 1985 J Biochem
Purification and characterization of two forms of DNA polymerase alpha from mouse FM3A cells: a DNA polymerase alpha-primase complex and a free DNA polymerase alpha. Hanaoka F 1985 Cell Struct Funct
Effects of aphidicolin and/or 2',3'-dideoxythymidine on DNA repair induced in HeLa cells by four types of DNA-damaging agents. Hanaoka F 1985 The Journal of biological chemistry
Human DNA polymerase alpha. Compensation for heat-labile mouse DNA polymerase alpha and its gene localization on the X chromosome. Hanaoka F 1984 Molecular biology & medicine
Purification and characterization of a factor stimulating DNA polymerase alpha activity from mouse FM3A cells. Hanaoka F 1984 J Biochem
[DNA binding proteins and DNA polymerase stimulating factors of eukaryotic cells]. Hanaoka F 1983 Tanpakushitsu Kakusan Koso
DNA-dependent ATPase B of FM3A cells. Its separation from DNA polymerase alpha. Hanaoka F 1982 FEBS letters
Unscheduled DNA synthesis induced by N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine in Hela cells. Hanaoka F 1982 Gann = Gan
A mammalian DNA- mutant decreasing nuclear DNA polymerase alpha activity at nonpermissive temperature. Hanaoka F 1979 Biochem Biophys Res Commun
Inhibition of cellular DNA synthesis in hamster kidney cells infected with western equine encephalitis virus. Hanaoka F 1976 Archives of virology

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