Taq pol I

From Thermus aquaticus (aliases:Taq)
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Taq pol I is a family A enzyme from Thermus aquaticus.

Selected Properties for Taq pol I:

3'-5' exo activity 5'-3' exo activity Frameshift Rate Substitution Rate General Error Rate
No (8) Yes (5) 4.8e-06-5.3e-05 errors/bp (3) 3.3e-06-1.9e-03 errors/bp (9) 8.0e-06-2.0e-04 errors/bp (7)
Year Authors Title Results by property
2014 Chin-Chi Liu, Vince J LiCata The stability of Taq DNA polymerase r...
2013 Samra Obeid, H Bußkamp, Wolfram Welte, Kay Diederichs, Andreas Marx Snapshot of a DNA polymerase while in...
2013 Gumjung Lim, Joungmok Kim, Jeong Hee Kim Optimization of the masking molecule ...
2013 Brian J Keith, Stanislaw K Jozwiakowski, Bernard A Connolly A plasmid-based lacZα gene assay for ... Overall Error Rate,All properties
2012 Tian-Lei Liu, Shou-Bin Xue, Fang Wang, Lin-Ying Zhu, Wei-Wei Liang, Sheng-Xuan Qu, Wen-Bo Cai [Purification of Taq DNA polymerase e...
2012 Praveen Nedumpully Govindan, Luca Monticelli, Emppu Salonen Mechanism of taq DNA polymerase inhib...
2012 Daniela Bessa, Filipa Pereira, Roxana Moreira, Björn Johansson, Odília Queirós Improved gap repair cloning in yeast:...
2012 Xiaoqing Yu, Xiaoqi Zheng, Liangyu Meng, Chun Li, Jun Wang A Support Vector Machine Based Method...
2012 Carlos Rodolfo Pungitore, Celina García, V Sotero Martín, Carlos E Tonn Inhibition of Taq DNA polymerase by i...
2011 Ping Xie, Jon R Sayers A model for transition of 5'-nuclease...
2011 Osvaldo A Martin, Hugo A Garro, Marcela B Kurina Sanz, Carlos Rodolfo Pungitore, Carlos E Tonn In silico study of the inhibition of ...
2011 Gumjung Lim, Hyun Jin Hwang, Jeong Hee Kim Protected immobilization of Taq DNA p...
2011 H Niimi, M Mori, H Tabata, H Minami, Takayuki Ueno, S Hayashi, I Kitajima A novel "eukaryote-made" thermostable...
2011 Samra Obeid, Andreas Schnur, Christian Gloeckner, Nina Blatter, Wolfram Welte, Kay Diederichs, Andreas Marx Learning from Directed Evolution: The...
2010 Sophie Vichier-Guerre, Jean-Luc Jestin Characterisation of a DNA polymerase ...
2010 Karin Betz, Frank Streckenbach, Andreas Schnur, Thomas Exner, Wolfram Welte, Kay Diederichs, Andreas Marx Structures of DNA polymerases caught ...
2010 Dad D Roux-Michollet, Joshua P Schimel, Patricia A Holden Pushing the limits for amplifying Brd...
2010 Wujie Li, Mou Cao, Lu Pei, Xiaomei Ling, Bingchao Li, Zhenjun Yang Study on steady-state kinetics of nuc...
2010 Guojie Zhao, Yifu Guan Polymerization behavior of Klenow fra...
2010 Samra Obeid, Anna Baccaro, Wolfram Welte, Kay Diederichs, Andreas Marx Structural basis for the synthesis of...
2010 Ramon Kranaster, Matthias Drum, Nicole Engel, Manfred Weidmann, Frank T Hufert, Andreas Marx One-step RNA pathogen detection with ...
2009 Qiuying Huang, Qingge Li Characterization of the 5' to 3' nucl... 3-5' exo,5-3' exo,All properties
2009 Md Monsur Ali, Shuhei Imoto, Yingqian Li, Shigeki Sasaki, Fumi Nagatsugi Incorporation of an inducible nucleot...
2009 Thomas E Exner Insights into the high fidelity of a ...
2009 Younguk Sun, Kalvin J Gregory, Val Golovlev Efficiency and specificity of microRN...
2009 Suk-Tae Kwon, Hyekyung Shim, Jin Choia Jeong, Jae Kima Yun, Jae-Geun Songa, Eui-Joon Kila, Il Lee Jong Characterization and PCR optimization... Vmax,Overall Error Rate,All properties
2009 Lijiang Wang, Qingjun Liu, Zhaoying Hu, Yongqing Zhang, Chunsheng Wu, Mo Yang, Ping Wang A novel electrochemical biosensor bas...
2009 Milko B Kermekchiev, Lyubka I Kirilova, Erika E Vail, Wayne M Barnes Mutants of Taq DNA polymerase resista...
2009 J W Brandis, Kenneth A Johnson High-cell density shake-flask express...
2008 Zhengan Yang, Yumei Ding, Yongqing Zhang, Feihu Liu Rapid purification of truncated Taq D...
2008 J Gury, L Zinger, L Gielly, P Taberlet, RA Geremia Exonuclease activity of proofreading ...
2008 Linda J Reha-Krantz Recent patents of gene sequences rela...
2008 Hyung Joo Jin, Mi Young Oh, Deuk Hee Jin, Yong Ki Hong Identification of a Taq DNA polymeras...
2007 Marc d'Abbadie, Michael Hofreiter, Alexandra Vaisman, David Loakes, Didier Gasparutto, Jean Cadet, Roger Woodgate, Svante Pääbo, Philipp Holliger Molecular breeding of polymerases for...
2007 Hayan Lee, Kyung-Nam Kim, Young Kee Chae Reevaluating the capability of Taq DN...
2007 Jan A Sikorsky, Donald A Primerano, Terry W Fenger, James Denvir DNA damage reduces Taq DNA polymerase...
2007 Michael Strerath, Christian Gloeckner, Dan Liu, Andreas Schnur, Andreas Marx Directed DNA polymerase evolution: ef...
2007 Huseyin Avni Oktem, Gulay Bayramoglu, V Cengiz Ozalp, M Yakup Arica Single-step purification of recombina...
2007 Sotirios Melissis, Nikolaos E Labrou, Yannis D Clonis One-step purification of Taq DNA poly...
2007 Carlos Rodolfo Pungitore, Leticia G León, Celina García, Víctor S Martín, Carlos E Tonn, José M Padrón Novel antiproliferative analogs of th...
2006 Jae Seok Song, Jung Hun Lee, Jung-Hyun Lee, Byeong Chul Jeong, Won-Keun Lee, Sang Hee Lee Removal of contaminating TEM-la beta-...
2006 Huayou Chen, Zhongmei Chu, Yongqing Zhang, Shengli Yang Over-expression and characterization ...
2006 John P McDonald, Ashley Hall, Didier Gasparutto, Jean Cadet, Jack Ballantyne, Roger Woodgate Novel thermostable Y-family polymeras...
2006 Pongpan Laksanalamai, Andrey R Pavlov, Alexei I Slesarev, Frank T Robb Stabilization of Taq DNA polymerase a...
2006 Takahisa Noma, Koji Sode, Kazunori Ikebukuro Characterization and application of a...
2005 Jon P Anderson, Bernhard Angerer, Lawrence A Loeb Incorporation of reporter-labeled nuc... Cloned or native,Tagged,Full length or truncated,3-5' exo,5-3' exo,Application name,Incorporation of non-standard nucleotides,All properties
2005 Atsushi Kobayashi, Motomitsu Kitaoka, Kiyoshi Hayashi Novel PCR-mediated mutagenesis employ...
2005 Young Shik Chi, Young Hwan Jung, Insung S Choi, Yang-Gyun Kim Surface-initiated growth of poly d(A-...
2005 François Vigneault, Régen Drouin Optimal conditions and specific chara...
2004 Farid J Ghadessy, Nicola Ramsay, François Boudsocq, David Loakes, Anthony Brown, Shigenori Iwai, Alexandra Vaisman, Roger Woodgate, Philipp Holliger Generic expansion of the substrate sp...
2004 Nancy Quach, Myron F Goodman, Darryl Shibata In vitro mutation artifacts after for...
2004 Allyn J Schoeffler, Allison M Joubert, Fenggang Peng, Farheen Khan, Chin-Chi Liu, Vince J LiCata Extreme free energy of stabilization ...
2004 Carlos Rodolfo Pungitore, M Juri Ayub, Eduardo J Borkowski, Carlos E Tonn, G M Ciuffo Inhibition of Taq DNA polymerase by c...
2003 Kausiki Datta, Vince J LiCata Thermodynamics of the binding of Ther...
2003 Kazunori Ikebukuro, Takahisa Noma Screening of DNA aptamers inhibiting ...
2003 Linda M Benson, Allison P Null, David C Muddiman Advantages of Thermococcus kodakaraen...
2003 O Yu Yakimovich, Ya I Alekseev, A V Maksimenko, O L Voronina, V G Lunin Influence of DNA aptamer structure on...
2003 N R Isola, Z Liu, S L Allman, N I Taranenko, Y Kong, C H Chen Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ioni...
2003 Jim Youngblom Extended stability of Taq DNA polymer...
2003 Deepali Shinde, Yinglei Lai, Fengzhu Sun, Norman Arnheim Taq DNA polymerase slippage mutation ...
2003 Milko B Kermekchiev, Anatoly Tzekov, Wayne M Barnes Cold-sensitive mutants of Taq DNA pol... Nucleotide Substitution Rate,All properties
2003 Natasha Paul, Vishal C Nashine, Geoffrey Hoops, Peiming Zhang, Jie Zhou, Donald E Bergstrom, V Jo Davisson DNA polymerase template interactions ...
2003 John F Davidson, Richard Fox, Dawn D Harris, Sally Lyons-Abbott, Lawrence A Loeb Insertion of the T3 DNA polymerase th... Specific Activity,Processivity,5-3' exo,Nucleotide Substitution Rate,All properties
2002 Andrew F Gardner, William E Jack Acyclic and dideoxy terminator prefer...
2002 Gang Xia, Liangjing Chen, Takashi Sera, Ming Fa, Peter G Schultz, Floyd E Romesberg Directed evolution of novel polymeras...
2002 Tadayuki Imanaka, Haruyuki Atomi Catalyzing "hot" reactions: enzymes f...
2001 Jochen Wilhelm, Alfred Pingoud, Meinhard Hahn Comparison between Taq DNA polymerase...
2001 Enrique Viguera, D Canceill, S Dusko Ehrlich In vitro replication slippage by DNA ...
2001 Yingqian Li, Gabriel Waksman Crystal structures of a ddATP-, ddTTP...
2001 Masanori Ogawa, A Tosaka, Yasutomo Ito, Shonen Yoshida, Motoshi Suzuki Enhanced ribonucleotide incorporation...
2001 A Tosaka, Masanori Ogawa, Shonen Yoshida, Motoshi Suzuki O-helix mutant T664P of Thermus aquat...
2001 Holly H Hogrefe, J Cline, A E Lovejoy, K B Nielson DNA polymerases from hyperthermophiles. RT,Specific Activity,Processivity,Strand Displacement,3-5' exo,5-3' exo,KM,kcat,Overall Error Rate,All properties
2001 K Yoshida, A Tosaka, Hiroyuki Kamiya, Takashi Murate, Hironori Kasai, Y Nimura, Masanori Ogawa, Shonen Yoshida, Motoshi Suzuki Arg660Ser mutation in Thermus aquatic...
2001 Farid J Ghadessy, J L Ong, Philipp Holliger Directed evolution of polymerase func...
2000 B Villbrandt, H Sobek, B Frey, D Schomburg Domain exchange: chimeras of Thermus ...
2000 P H Patel, Lawrence A Loeb DNA polymerase active site is highly ...
2000 Motoshi Suzuki, Shonen Yoshida, Elinor T Adman, A Blank, Lawrence A Loeb Thermus aquaticus DNA polymerase I mu...
2000 P H Patel, Lawrence A Loeb Multiple amino acid substitutions all...
2000 Y P Zhang, A Rowhani A strategy for rapid cDNA cloning fro...
2000 K Nord, E Gunneriusson, M Uhlén, P A Nygren Ligands selected from combinatorial l...
1999 Yingqian Li, V Mitaxov, Gabriel Waksman Structure-based design of Taq DNA pol...
1999 K B Ignatov, A A Bashirova, A I Miroshnikov, V M Kramarov Mutation S543N in the thumb subdomain...
1999 Bruno Canard, Kajal Chowdhury, R Sarfati, Sylvie Doublié, Charles C Richardson The motif D loop of human immunodefic...
1999 B Baury, D Masson, P Lustenberger, M G Denis Gene walking by PCR amplification of ...
1999 Jun Zhang, C N Ji, H S Du, Z H Zheng, Y M Mao [A study of a derivative of Taq DNA p...
1999 U K Urs, R Murali, H M Krishna Murthy Structure of taq DNA polymerase shows...
1999 Thomas A Steitz DNA polymerases: structural diversity...
1999 J W Brandis Dye structure affects Taq DNA polymer...
1999 Sylvie Doublié, M R Sawaya, Tom Ellenberger An open and closed case for all polym...
1999 V Lyamichev, M A Brow, V E Varvel, J E Dahlberg Comparison of the 5' nuclease activit...
1999 I Rasolonjatovo, S R Sarfati Development of a new DNA sequencing m...
1999 R A Reiss, B Rutz Quality control PCR: a method for det...
1999 E Gunneriusson, K Nord, M Uhlén, P Nygren Affinity maturation of a Taq DNA poly...
1998 R Murali, M Helmer-Citterich, D J Sharkey, E R Scalice, J L Daiss, M A Sullivan, H M Krishna Murthy Structural studies on an inhibitory a...
1998 S K Poddar, M H Sawyer, J D Connor Effect of inhibitors in clinical spec...
1998 P G Zaphiropoulos Non-homologous recombination mediated...
1998 K B Ignatov, A I Miroshnikov, V M Kramarov Substitution of Asn for Ser543 in the...
1998 K Hanaki, T Odawara, Noriyuki Nakajima, Y K Shimizu, C Nozaki, K Mizuno, T Muramatsu, Y Kuchino, H Yoshikura Two different reactions involved in t...
1998 H J Huang, C Pears Generation of genomic mini-libraries ...
1998 C Kebelmann-Betzing, K Seeger, S Dragon, G Schmitt, A Möricke, T A Schild, G Henze, B Beyermann Advantages of a new Taq DNA polymeras...
1998 Yoshiyuki Mizushina, T Ueno, Y Goto, Y Isobe, M Sako, T Fujita, Kouji Hirota, H Hayashi, Kengo Sakaguchi Carboxyflavins, novel inhibitors of T...
1998 Yingqian Li, S Korolev, Gabriel Waksman Crystal structures of open and closed...
1998 Yingqian Li, Y Kong, S Korolev, Gabriel Waksman Crystal structures of the Klenow frag...
1998 R Murali, D J Sharkey, J L Daiss, H M Murthy Crystal structure of Taq DNA polymera...
1998 James R Kiefer, C Mao, J C Braman, Lorena S Beese Visualizing DNA replication in a cata... Full length or truncated,Specific Activity,Processivity,3-5' exo,KM,kcat,All properties
1998 D F Chen, I Seibert, H Y Chen, I Herbst-Kiene, L T Pastucha, W Stangel Improvement of HLA class I and class ...
1997 B Villbrandt, G Sagner, D Schomburg Investigations on the thermostability...
1997 Y Park, H Choi, D S Lee, Y Kim Improvement of the 3'-5' exonuclease ...
1997 Y Kim, Joong Su Kim, Y Park, C S Chang, S W Suh, D S Lee Mutagenesis of the positively charged...
1997 L A Haff, I P Smirnov Single-nucleotide polymorphism identi...
1997 T Gräslund, J Nilsson, A M Lindberg, M Uhlén, P A Nygren Production of a thermostable DNA poly...
1997 James R Kiefer, C Mao, Connie J Hansen, S L Basehore, Holly H Hogrefe, J C Braman, Lorena S Beese Crystal structure of a thermostable B... Specific Activity,Processivity,KM,kcat,All properties
1997 J Fan, R S Ranu Direct cycle sequencing with delta Ta...
1997 C Leelayuwat, T Srisuk, R Paechaiyaphum, T Limpaiboon, A Romphruk, A Romphruk Production and evaluation of Taq DNA ...
1997 G C Hoops, Peiming Zhang, W T Johnson, Natasha Paul, Donald E Bergstrom, V Jo Davisson Template directed incorporation of nu...
1997 J Nilsson, M Bosnes, F Larsen, P A Nygren, M Uhlén, J Lundeberg Heat-mediated activation of affinity-...
1997 Zhixin Chen, D E Ruffner Post-PCR labeling using Taq DNA polym...
1997 D Yu, M Mukai, Q Liu, C R Steinman Specific inhibition of PCR by non-ext...
1997 Motoshi Suzuki, A K Avicola, L Hood, Lawrence A Loeb Low fidelity mutants in the O-helix o...
1996 Motoshi Suzuki, D Baskin, L Hood, Lawrence A Loeb Random mutagenesis of Thermus aquatic...
1996 R E Wellinger, F Thoma Taq DNA polymerase blockage at pyrimi...
1996 C Dang, S D Jayasena Oligonucleotide inhibitors of Taq DNA...
1996 V I Grabko, L G Chistyakova, V N Lyapustin, V G Korobko, A I Miroshnikov Reverse transcription, amplification ...
1996 J Cline, J C Braman, Holly H Hogrefe PCR fidelity of pfu DNA polymerase an... Overall Error Rate,All properties
1996 Xu Zhao, Jinming Li, Rong Li, Shuren Zhang, Yong Zhang, Zhengan Yang Amplification, cloning, and sequence ...
1996 J W Brandis, S G Edwards, Kenneth A Johnson Slow rate of phosphodiester bond form...
1996 F B Perler, Sandeep Kumar, H Kong Thermostable DNA polymerases. 3-5' exo,5-3' exo,Molecular Weight,All properties
1996 I Vainshtein, A Atrazhev, Soo Hyun Eom, J F Elliott, D S Wishart, B A Malcolm Peptide rescue of an N-terminal trunc...
1996 Soo Hyun Eom, Jianhong Wang, Thomas A Steitz Structure of Taq polymerase with DNA ...
1995 P C Loewen, J Switala Template secondary structure can incr...
1995 Y Kim, Soo Hyun Eom, Jianhong Wang, D S Lee, S W Suh, Thomas A Steitz Crystal structure of Thermus aquaticu...
1995 A De Milito, M Catucci, F Iannelli, L Romano, M Zazzi, P E Valensin Increased reliability of selective PC...
1995 U K Urs, D J Sharkey, T S Peat, W A Hendrickson, K Murthy Characterization of crystals of the t...
1995 R S Ranu DNA sequencing with delta Taq DNA pol...
1995 J R Smith, J D Carpten, M J Brownstein, Sharmistha Ghosh, V L Magnuson, D A Gilbert, J M Trent, F S Collins Approach to genotyping errors caused ...
1995 S J Odelberg, R B Weiss, A Hata, R White Template-switching during DNA synthes...
1995 Stanley Tabor, Charles C Richardson A single residue in DNA polymerases o...
1995 P N Hengen Fidelity of DNA polymerases for PCR.
1995 S Korolev, M Nayal, Wayne M Barnes, E Di Cera, Gabriel Waksman Crystal structure of the large fragme...
1995 L S Merkens, S K Bryan, Robb E Moses Inactivation of the 5'-3' exonuclease...
1995 U J Desai, P K Pfaffle Single-step purification of a thermos...
1994 Wayne M Barnes PCR amplification of up to 35-kb DNA ...
1994 Yoshizumi Ishino, Takayuki Ueno, M Miyagi, Takashi Uemori, M Imamura, S Tsunasawa, Ikunoshin Kato Overproduction of Thermus aquaticus D...
1994 M Wada, C Klein, J Schell, B Reiss A functional assay for Taq DNA polyme...
1994 D E Kellogg, I Rybalkin, S Chen, N Mukhamedova, T Vlasik, P D Siebert, A Chenchik TaqStart Antibody: "hot start" PCR fa...
1994 M S Hughes, L A Beck, R A Skuce Identification and elimination of DNA...
1993 H Kong, R B Kucera, William E Jack Characterization of a DNA polymerase ... Full length or truncated,Processivity,KM,All properties
1993 F G Pluthero Rapid purification of high-activity T...
1993 F C Lawyer, S Stoffel, R K Saiki, S Y Chang, P A Landre, R D Abramson, D H Gelfand High-level expression, purification, ... Cloned or native,Full length or truncated,Specific Activity,5-3' exo,Molecular Weight,Vmax,All properties
1993 Kristin A Eckert, Thomas A Kunkel Fidelity of DNA synthesis catalyzed b...
1992 Wayne M Barnes The fidelity of Taq polymerase cataly...
1992 P Hentosh, J C McCastlain, P Grippo, B Y Bugg Polymerase chain reaction amplificati...
1992 M M Huang, Norman Arnheim, Myron F Goodman Extension of base mispairs by Taq DNA...
1992 P A Garrity, B J Wold Effects of different DNA polymerases ...
1992 V Murray, H Motyka, P R England, G Wickham, H H Lee, W A Denny, W D McFadyen The use of Taq DNA polymerase to dete...
1992 L P Savochkina, L B Dĭachenko, M A Lukin, L A Aleksandrova [Analogs of nucleotides, modified by ...
1992 Q Chou Minimizing deletion mutagenesis artif...
1991 Y H Zhou, X P Zhang, R H Ebright Random mutagenesis of gene-sized DNA ...
1991 L L Ling, P Keohavong, C Dias, William G Thilly Optimization of the polymerase chain ... Overall Error Rate,All properties
1991 Kristin A Eckert, Thomas A Kunkel DNA polymerase fidelity and the polym...
1991 N F Cariello, James A Swenberg, T R Skopek Fidelity of Thermococcus litoralis DN... 3-5' exo,Nucleotide Substitution Rate,Application name,All properties
1991 N F Cariello, William G Thilly, James A Swenberg, T R Skopek Deletion mutagenesis during polymeras...
1991 M Ponti, S M Forrow, R L Souhami, M D'Incalci, J A Hartley Measurement of the sequence specifici...
1991 M J White, B W Fristensky, W F Thompson Concatemer chain reaction: a Taq DNA ...
1991 U Finckh, P A Lingenfelter, D Myerson Producing single-stranded DNA probes ...
1990 Kristin A Eckert, Thomas A Kunkel High fidelity DNA synthesis by the Th... Cloned or native,Full length or truncated,3-5' exo,Frameshift Error Rate,Nucleotide Substitution Rate,All properties
1990 D R Engelke, A Krikos, M E Bruck, D Ginsburg Purification of Thermus aquaticus DNA...
1990 Yoshizumi Ishino, Kiyozo Asada [Methods of DNA sequencing with Taq D...
1989 M M Becker, Zhengqiang Wang, G Grossmann, K A Becherer Genomic footprinting in mammalian cel...
1989 F C Lawyer, S Stoffel, R K Saiki, K Myambo, R Drummond, D H Gelfand Isolation, characterization, and expr...
1989 P Keohavong, William G Thilly Fidelity of DNA polymerases in DNA am... Nucleotide Substitution Rate,All properties
1989 H Kadowaki, T Kadowaki, F E Wondisford, S I Taylor Use of polymerase chain reaction cata...
1989 S Fucharoen, G Fucharoen, P Fucharoen, Y Fukumaki A novel ochre mutation in the beta-th...
1988 M A Innis, K B Myambo, D H Gelfand, M A Brow DNA sequencing with Thermus aquaticus...
1988 K R Tindall, Thomas A Kunkel Fidelity of DNA synthesis by the Ther... Full length or truncated,3-5' exo,Frameshift Error Rate,Nucleotide Substitution Rate,All properties
1988 R K Saiki, D H Gelfand, S Stoffel, S J Scharf, R Higuchi, G T Horn, K B Mullis, H A Erlich Primer-directed enzymatic amplificati... Nucleotide Substitution Rate,All properties
1982 Catherine M Joyce, W S Kelley, Nigel D F Grindley Nucleotide sequence of the Escherichi... Cloned or native,Tagged,Tag Name,Full length or truncated,All properties
1980 A S Kaledin, A G Sliusarenko, S I Gorodetskiĭ [Isolation and properties of DNA poly...
1976 A Chien, D B Edgar, J M Trela Deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase from...
Protein sequence: